Sky News Hosts Are Calling For Surveillance Of School Classrooms To Monitor Trans Issues

Sky News Hosts Are Calling For Surveillance Of School Classrooms To Monitor Trans Issues
Image: Images: Imdb, Sky News Australia headshots

Sky News hosts James Morrow, Rita Panahi and Rowan Dean have rallied their support for a summon asking schools across Australia to install surveillance cameras in classrooms, allowing parents to watch over teachers’ curriculum.

On Sunday morning’s Outsiders program, Dean suggested the need for an app with which parents could log into from their mobile phones and monitor the teacher’s demeanour.

According to the hosts, the call for surveillance technology is necessary to track and curb any unnecessary issues like climate change, indigenous rights and transgender matters.

Monica Smit encourages parents to make children covertly record teachers

The trio’s discussion stemmed from a call with Victorian campaigner Monica Smit who implored parents to tell their children to secretly record teachers discussing any matters that ‘do not align with their family values’.

Smit, who is known for her anti-vaxx and anti- lockdown position has recently formed a lobby group to ‘correct’ school curricula. 

Sky News trio claims surveillance app would help monitor ‘irrelevant’ issues in curriculum

Although the trio dismissed Smit’s idea of covertly recording teacher’s content as it would be ‘impractical’, they found classroom surveillance to be a more viable option.

“I’ve got absolutely no qualms about it just being routine that classrooms have a camera there for the protection of everybody.” Rita Panahi said according to OutinPerth. “There’s nothing to hide there, there’s no breach of privacy, it would be something that only the school and parents would have access to.”

Panahi went on to say that a live streaming surveillance app available to schools and parents could make things incredibly accessible.

Live streaming classes would curd “leftist indoctrination”, says Morrow

“Parents are so blind to just how much far left activism is in the curriculum. It’s just so entrenched now.” Panahi said.

Morrow continued, saying that the cameras could prove as a solution to “leftist indoctrination” in schools.

He further criticised teachers’ training stating, “The real thing that has to be done is you have to absolutely, figuratively, burn down the teacher’s colleges. 

Sky News’ Dean turns to Liberal leader Peter Dutton to challenge curriculum

Dean then called for Liberal leader Peter Dutton to challenge the inclusion of transgender rights, indigenous rights and climate change being included in the curriculum. He goes on to say that the stance would resonate with many Australian parents.

The call for surveillance in schools raises important concerns about privacy, teacher autonomy and maintaining balance between educational freedom. As well as censorship stemming from parental oversight.

In a time of divide, there are surging debates on what is appropriate content and criticism of teachers addressing real world social and political issues.

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