JOY 94.9 Broadcast From Home Amidst COVID-19 Restrictions To Launch Station Fundraiser

The presenters of JOY 94.9 are broadcasting a Radiothon from their bedrooms, home offices, and kitchens due to COVID-19 restrictions to keep the station alive and the community entertained and informed.
JOY kicked off the annual Radiothon, setting a target of $150,000 in a fundraising campaign this week despite the unusual global climate. So far, the station has raised 10% of its goal, and the theme for the radiothon this year giving voices to Australia’s LGBTQI community: “We Are You, Keep Independent Voices On Air”. The radiothon is an important annual event for the organisation and makes up 30 % of its income, according to the station.
“All of our presenters have gone above and beyond during the pandemic by broadcasting from their own homes! We’ve seen more houseplants, empty dishes, pets, kids, and housemates emerging from bathrooms in towels than I ever thought possible!’ says JOY CEO Ange Barry.
“Our aim at JOY is to keep our listeners updated, informed, and empowered. Now, more than ever, our station reflects our listeners. From our presenters, podcasters, newsreaders, producers and everyone in between we represent them because We Are Them. We’re all in isolation, all stuck at home, worried about loved ones, jobs, toilet paper, and trying to remain calm through the many stresses this pandemic is throwing at all of us. For me, personally, listening to our presenters being silly, inspirational, and positive makes me feel connected and like I’m not alone.”
JOY also launched JOY TV last week with ‘Kerry & Dolly’s House Party’, an hour-long variety program hosted by Melbourne’s ‘Queen of Cabaret,’ Dolly Diamond, and award-winning milliner, hair and makeup artist Kerrie Stanley.
“To be perfectly frank, we have to go ahead with our campaign now, even in this uncertain atmosphere, if we have any hope of staying on-air and afloat during these uncertain times. We’re hoping that with so many of our 589,000 listeners isolating at home they’re being kept company by JOY and will support us however they can- even if that’s a donation of the price of a cup of coffee. Every little bit helps.”
“Our Patrons and Board have really stepped up to secure prizes and donations this year and our generous Patrons Geoffrey Singer and Gary Smith are matching every donation made to JOY in the Double Hour of Power between 7am and 9am on Breakfast with the Murphy’s on May 1st”.
JOY 94.9 is Australia’s only LGBTQI Community Radio station and one of only 3 stations worldwide broadcasting rainbow content 24 hours a day. The station is run by a handful of paid staff and over 200 volunteers and relies heavily on memberships and donations to stay afloat.
Check out all the details to sign up before May 2nd.