BYOB to Dolly & Kerrie’s House Party on the newly launched JOY TV

JOY 949 is bringing some more cheer to the world! Its newest venture – JOY TV, a video streaming service, will debut on April 23, 2020, with ‘Kerrie & Dolly’s House Party’.
The hour-long variety program hosted by Melbourne’s ‘Queen of Cabaret’ Dolly Diamond and award-winning milliner, hair and makeup artist Kerrie Stanley, will air on Tuesdays and Thursdays on YouTube and other social media channels. JOY TV is funded by the Victorian Government.
The first episode on April 23 will feature performances from jazz singer Rachel Trevorrow Dunham and singer Vincent Hooper.
Star Observer plied Dolly and Kerrie with questions about the new show:
SO: How did the idea of the show come about?
Dolly: We got a call from the Victorian Commissioner for Gender and Sexuality, Ro Allen, asking us to rally the troops and get our friends together for a live streaming show.
Kerrie: Dolly and I ran with it and instantly wanted it to be uplifting and informative.
Dolly: I spend most of my time trying to make people laugh, I’ll still be clowning around.
Kerrie: We’ll have guest performers and regular contributors, Dean Arcuri (cabaret artist and JOY broadcaster), Mama Alto (jazz singer and cabaret artist) & Sexy Galexy (drag king and comedian).
SO: What can your fans from around the world look forward to?
Dolly: Well I’m not working alone, I’m with my gorgeous friend Kerrie Stanley. We’ve been friends for years and wanted a project to work on together.
Kerrie: I love talking (not as much as Dolly) but it’s about connecting with our audience and engaging the community, you can definitely expect a lot of that.
SO: And, your message to LGBTIQ+ under COVID-19 lockdown?
K&D: Watch the show!!!
Dolly: I think the most important thing we need to remember is: it’s okay not to be okay.
We’ve never experienced anything like this, so if you need to lose your s**t that’s okay.
Kerrie: It’s about being there to support each other and to help everyone get through this.
Here’s what Ange Barry, CEO JOY 94.9 had to say: “Now more than ever, the role of independent community media is so important in keeping our community connected, informed and entertained. The launch of JOY TV with this important show builds on the great work of Bent TV and other organisations, broadcasting video content created by community for community.”
Minister for Equality, Martin Foley, said that the state funding was part of its commitment to the welfare of LGBTIQ Victorians. “We not only recognise the needs of our LGBTIQ communities, we prioritise them. We know that the effects of a global pandemic can be felt in complex and difficult ways in these communities, so we’re supporting trusted organisations at the frontlines to ramp up their efforts wherever possible. We’re making the investments needed to ensure every LGBTIQ Victorian has access to the healthcare and support they deserve.”
“We are a strong community, and we are healthier and stronger together. LGBTIQ communities thrive on supporting each other and we need that now more than ever. We welcome funds from a government that not only recognises but prioritises this,” said Victorian Commissioner for Gender and Sexuality, Ro Allen.
Catch JOY TV at www.joy.org.au and / YouTube / Facebook
Instagram: @kerrieanddolly / Twitter: @kerrieanddolly