Etcetera Etcetera Won’t Return To Drag Race Due To Fan Vitriol

Etcetera Etcetera Won’t Return To Drag Race Due To Fan Vitriol
Image: Source: @etceteraetcetera on Instagram

Aussie drag queen Etcetera Etcetera has gone off on Twitter/X after saying she has no desire to return to Drag Race due to vitriolic fan behaviour.

Etcetera, who appeared on Drag Race Down Under, commented saying: 

She added: “Drag Race will die at the hands of their completely unhinged fandom – who seem to pathologically despise the brilliant queer individuals who risk everything to entertain you and champion the art form.”

It follows a particularly contentious start to Global All-Stars, which saw Belgium runner-up Athena Likis eliminated after losing a lip sync and being told by RuPaul that her Werk Room look didn’t ‘feminise’ her body enough. 

The discussion around the elimination online has been particularly intense, hence why Etcetera has weighed in about wishing to stay away from returning to the show. 

She added later: “There’s AMAZING fans of Drag Race and they usually support drag irl. They pay my bills and I owe them so much. Whenever I talk to them about these issues, they get the impact of the show on the queens. If you missed the point, you’re the problem! Thanks!”

Though she got some flack for this position, Etcetera received a lot of praise for her statement, with many fans reflecting on the implications of the culture on the queens, with many calling the fandom “out of control.” 

Good news for Etcetera fans, though; in response to one fan’s understanding, she said:

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