My Rainbow: LGBTQIA+ Youth Group

My Rainbow: LGBTQIA+ Youth Group

Merri-Bek Youth is creating a community space for LGBTQIA+ youth by hosting a weekly meetup every Tuesday. My Rainbow is an opportunity for LGBTQIA+ youth aged 12–17, and 18–24 to meet up on alternating fortnights to connect, eat snacks, craft and make friends in a safe and welcoming space. The gr0up is facilitated by Levi (He/They) from Merri Health, and Ash (She/Her) from Merri-bek Youth, and fully supervised by Merri-bek Council staff.

When: Every Tuesday, 4.30 pm–5.30 pm. 
Oxygen Youth Space, 4-8 Gaffney Street, Coburg North,
Free! Reserve a spot on Eventbrite
Oxygen Youth Space is wheelchair accessible


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