This Queer Tax Agent Is Here To Help LGBTQI+ Folks, Sex Workers & Queer Creatives 

This Queer Tax Agent Is Here To Help LGBTQI+ Folks, Sex Workers & Queer Creatives 
Image: Photo credit: Zac Bayly

Meet Katrina Summers, the accountant extraordinaire that’s dedicated their taxation practice to helping LGBTQI+ people, sex workers, and queer artists and creatives.

Tax time might be stressful for everyone, but for people who have more complex taxes because of their industry – which includes many LGBTQI+ folks – tax time can truly be hell. 

Back in 1992, Katrina had completed her degrees at the University of Technology. Due to Katrina’s natural market savvy and being a member of the LGBTQI+ community herself, she noticed a market void – accountancy for the LGBTQI+ community, and those in creative and adult industries. 

Katrina knew that people in these communities and industries needed someone who had the perfect mix of empathy and understanding, discretion, and financial savvy. Katrina came to the rescue, and in ‘92, established Figure It Out Accounting and Tax Agents.

Starting out in Sydney, Katrina and her business eventually expanded to Melbourne. Today, it’s staffed by three lovely ladies in the respective hearts of these two great cities.

Star Observer spoke with Katrina who remains passionate about her work and why she decided to open up her accounting practice.

“Back in those days there really weren’t many Accountants out there specifically to assist the LGBTQI+ community and it made perfect sense for me to open up a taxation practice given I am part of this community,” she said.

“Figure It Out Accounting provides an environment where the LBGTQI+ communities can feel comfortable to discuss their taxation and financial needs with the utmost confidentiality.”

“As Accountants and Tax Agents, we deal with sensitive information respectfully and discretely.” 

Katrina’s passion for the queer community, and the enormous creative talent within it, soon urged her to expand her work to support LGBTQI+ people in entertainment and creative industries. She has now established an Entertainment Agency for Queer Artists, and is a former board member of Queer Screen. 

Working with clients who are sex workers or working in the adult industry has also encouraged her to expand her skills into advocacy, and Katrina has been extensively involved with working parties for Sex Workers Outreach Programme (SWOP).

“I speak the financial language for the sex/adult and queer communities in a simple way… time and time again after visiting my offices people say ‘you make Accounting seem so easy.’”

“I know what specific deductions you can claim and I am here to take the pressure off so fellow members of LGBTQI+ community do not feel stressed or worried… that’s my job!” she said.

Indeed, many have praised Katrina and her work in helping them with their tax returns, with one person reviewing Figure It Out as “a wonderful Accounting service.”

“Highly recommend their services. Katrina is always professional and responsive to requests in a very timely fashion. Highly recommend ‘Figure It Out’!” a customer stated.

With the federal government promising tax cuts this tax time, Katrina aims to help to ensure more money comes back into your pockets.

“I am privileged and I feel extremely proud that I’ve been able to help the LGBTQI+ communities for the past 32 years in taxation and putting people on the road to financial security and success.”

“We must be doing the best job for our clients as they keep coming back.”

Figure It Out provides the following services:

Individual, Self-employed (Sole Trader) Tax Returns

Company Tax Returns

Multiple Tax Returns

Documentation and Receipt Collection

Instalment Activity Statements

Assistance and guidance in completing Business Activity Statements


Mortgage Broker

You can get in touch with Figure It Out Accounting and Tax Agents at or on 0411235084.

Melbourne – The Como Centre: Level 19, 644 Chapel Street South Yarra 3141

Sydney – The Regency: 281 Elizabeth Street Sydney 2000

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