Considering Matthew Shepard

Considering Matthew Shepard

In 1998 Matthew Shepard, a first-year college student in Wyoming, was kidnapped, beaten and left to die. This brutal anti-gay hate crime inspired anguish and outrage. Nearly 20 years later it inspired American composer Craig Hella Johnson to contemplate suffering, death and the flame of love and led him to write Considering Matthew Shepard. “In composing Considering Matthew Shepard,” he says, “I wanted to create, within a musical framework, a space for reflection, consideration and unity around his life and legacy.”

Considering Matthew Shepard will be performed by Sydney Philharmonia Choirs VOX choir – some of its members the same age as Matthew himself when he died – in a semi-staged presentation directed by Shaun Rennie.

“…this modern-day Passion will move many listeners to tears even as it reaches beyond tragedy to peace, understanding and forgiveness”, The Chicago Tribune Presented in collaboration with the City Recital Hall. Book at

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