The gay agenda
Last week, The Daily Telegraph’s Piers Ackerman produced a largely incoherent blog post on his feelings about a “minority lobby” trying to “again inflict itself upon the majority”. He’s talking about us: the gay and lesbian community who were selfish enough to both like the rainbow crossing at Taylor Square, and also want marriage equality. He notes that “homosexual marriage is at the darker end [of the activist spectrum], along with a rapidly accelerating assault on the language and traditional culture and society”.
My question is this: How can equality for all citizens of the same country be considered to represent societal decline? Surely the level of equality within a country should be the measure by which a society is judged good or bad. Nobody looks back fondly on feudalism and says ‘those were the good old days, when we were indentured to landowners and had to give up as much of our crop as they wanted!’
As for the attack on language perpetrated by greedy “minority activists” (that’s us again – never mind the level of support for marriage equality within the broader community has been over 50 per cent for many years), he seems to be referring to the creation of a word to classify people who “have a match between the gender they were assigned at birth, their bodies, and their personal identity”, namely the term ‘cisgendered’.
I raise this because our language is changing, and for the better. Western language has, until the mid-20th century, only been able to express concepts routed in binary opposites. This language is clearly lacking and needs to evolve to reflect the world we all, LGBTI and non-LGBTI people, experience today. To progress with equality, we need to be able to think in new ways, and we need new words to do that.
Because isn’t the end game of the gay agenda and our ‘dark’ mission for equality (as said so eloquently by the internet meme) to be left alone? And why shouldn’t that be extended to every individual, including those that words haven’t been created for yet – to live their life the way they choose as long as it’s not hurting anybody? Nobody’s asking for extra rights, but for an end to persecution. It’s not hard to understand.