Letters – Melbourne Issue 128

Letters – Melbourne Issue 128

No way should ALSO use funds from ALSO care to prop up the organisation. The founders of ALSO would be absolutely horified if that was the case!

Those responsible for this mess should be held accountable — Sally Goldner is right, ALSO invested in matters that were not financially viable and here we have the consequence. It was all talk with very little outcome and I guess the chickens have come home to roost.

Quite obviously it was waiting for the former Labor Government to give it some respite financially but that never happended with the Brumby Government’s defeat last year.

Such a great organisation completely lost its way in the last five to 10 years!

— John

It is unfortunate this has happened.

I have always supported ALSO but at times I don’t know what I am supporting. Bad and reckless leadership at times has occurred.

ALSO has a great youth community support set-up but it looks as though the older comunity has become distant and there is a very good reason for this — people don’t really care about old people.

ALSO needs to look after the oldies. I will not support ALSO if they take the Benevolent funding to secure people’s positions for a year.

A hard-nosed restructure needs to happen and all positions including the board need smart business types who know how to speak to the media and how to restructure with tenacity.

The Benevolent aspect must be left alone as it was intended for aged care, not people’s wages.

— LJ

Maybe instead of griping about the cash transfer people should be coming up with alternatives. Maybe a fundraising group needs to be set up to boost the coffers so that the trust money can be returned at some stage.

Instead of saying that ALSO has lost its way, get involved and help it get back on track.

— Glenn

I’ve been going to Fairfield Park for a number of years. Yes, I know this is a place where men go to have sex with men.

I read gay newspapers, I listen to gay radio, I go to gay cafes and bars, I go to gay festivals, and I hear all about a gay community voice, but it never seems to come out when you need it most.

I first raised an issue on the GLLO program on JOY FM. The problem is, I am constantly being harassed by people in a car. What have I done to cop abuse, stalking and harassment from these bullies?

I have been quietly chilling out in my car, parked well away from any other person(s), trying to find some quiet time to myself, away from home, away from anyone else. Oh, and I have a distinctive rainbow sticker on the back of my car.

I’ve contacted Collingwood police station numerous times that I am being harassed by these bullies, and they say “a car will be sent out”. A car never comes.

Do I stop going to the park? Sounds simple. But where does it stop? What if I need to go to the shops to buy bread? OMG, I can’t go there because I could be harassed. What if I stopped at a red light? I might be stalked.
Simply not going anywhere, hiding back in the closet and becoming invisible is not going to stop bullies from harassing, stalking and abuse. Hiding is not an option.

I’m hoping that a solution may come from the community at Fairfield Park. If you see, hear or experience any form of abuse from bullies in a vehicle, immediately contact the Collingwood Police Station on 9419 4911. If enough people call, we may be able to prevent these bullying tactics escalating to a possible bashing, as has occurred at other public spaces.

From this I hope gay people will stop being portrayed as helpless victims and reinforce the gay community as a strong visible community.

— Peter

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One response to “Letters – Melbourne Issue 128”

  1. Sorry Peter,
    … methinks you protest too much … there are many beautiful places to park in Melbourne apart from Fairfield Park. Sounds more like you are looking for protection whilst treating the park as some sort of lucky dip ….