X-Rated NYC Is A Titillating Behind The Scenes Peek Into The Lives Of Gay Porn Stars

X-Rated NYC Is A Titillating Behind The Scenes Peek Into The Lives Of Gay Porn Stars
Image: Max Konnor, Dante Cole and Joey Mills

X-Rated: NYC, a behind the scenes peek at the lives of four adult performers currently working in the gay porn industry, presents a reality television veneer to how these men live their lives.

Though being an offering from the land of reality television, you’re welcome to take it all with a grain of salt and consume it for what it is – an entertaining perve and the possible addition of a new hook-up app that you may never have heard of to your selection, sorry Grindr!

Gay porn stars Boomer Banks, Dante Cole, Joey Mills, and Max Konnor star in this new offering from OUTtv. If the various TikToks, Instas, Tweets and OnlyFans accounts weren’t enough to scratch that itch, the show give their fans an even more personal glimpse into their lives.

Every Bit Is Exposed

It doesn’t leave much to the imagination but folks interested in getting that granular with their porn stars will find much to love in this six part series from Daddy TV. Co-founder Topher Cusumano, sat down with Mikelle Street from out.com to talk about the series and why Daddy TV decided to commission it.

“Watch the show because it was made by a bunch of queer sex workers. There’s a tendency in this world — even within the queer community, especially in the capital G Gay community — that people say they want to support queer projects and marginalized groups, but they are more likely to watch a reality show not only featuring a mostly cisgender straight cast, but also made by cis straight people.”

“So even if you have a reality show featuring some cool queer characters, chances are their narratives are being controlled by a group of straight people. And I do think it’s important to step up sometimes and support community-led art.”

It’ll Get The RHWO Treatment

As you can probably tell from the of the title of the show and in the vein of reality television juggernaut, “The Worst Housewives of Insert Terrible City Here”, the producers created X-Rated: NYC with an eye to extending the franchise to other adult entertainers, presumably in other cities.

“Our plan was for the franchises to continue expanding to new talent and new stories as well. The reason that we started with these four is that they all had intersected through FleshJack as a community and the boys themselves actually do work together due to their ambassador contract. When we found that out, just through the grapevine, and people were telling us about how the FleshJack ambassadors interact — sometimes there’s bickering and sometimes they hook up — on these city-specific press tours, that’s where the spark from this show came from.”

Plus, they talk about Sniffies – have you heard about Sniffies? Judging by the low number of active profiles in Sydney at the time of writing, the answer is no – if you thought you’d never see the day where stiffies would be on full display in profile pics of hook-up apps, the future is here with Sniffies! 

X-Rated: NYC is available on OUTtv through Amazon Prime in Australia.

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