Trixie Mattel Reveals Health Struggles As She Commences Drag Hiatus

Trixie Mattel Reveals Health Struggles As She Commences Drag Hiatus
Image: Image: Youtube/Facebook

Last month RuPaul’s Drag Race legend Trixie Mattel announced her upcoming hiatus from drag, this week she bid her official farewell for now, revealing her health struggles in a heart felt video.

The hiatus from drag will be a much needed break for the star who was worked relentlessly since her on screen debut in 2015.

Now, it’s time for her to take a break.

Trixie Mattel takes a break

In an interview with Elle last month Trixie revealed her plans for a much-needed break, stating, “I’m going on a three or four-month sabbatical: July, August, September, and October. I’m not even doing social media, so I’m going to really be gone for a while. I’m probably not going to come back at the full speed of Trixie anymore.”

“The Trixie we know, the Trixie that is on every YouTube video, on every show, and every TV show, I just can’t sustain that anymore.”

The drag star has received an outpouring of support since the announcement and now she is ready to lay her wig to rest for a few months.

Taking to Youtube this week Trixie delved deeper into the reasons for her hiatus in a video titled “I’m Taking A Break! Here’s Why,” posted on her YouTube channel.

She candidly addressed her fans about the severe work-life imbalance she had been experiencing.

“All my wildest dreams came true when I was in my mid-20s, doing Drag Race, traveling the world, and making music and all that. It was the pay checks I always wanted, doing my dream job, and I just, over time, squeezed out my real life so fiercely, where all I was doing was this,” she shared.

“You know when straight guys are all muscular at the top and have twig little legs at the gym? That was my work-life balance. It was all work and money-making and creative stuff, and then my social life, family life, personal life… twigs. Frail twigs. And the bigger the work things got, the smaller my real life things got.”

This relentless drive not only affected her personal life but also her health as she revealed she is also physically unwell.

“It is not so fierce to work yourself to death. It is not so fierce to work yourself into an autoimmune disorder. It is not so fierce to like… do so much drag as Trixie, that at a certain point, I literally started to feel like a Trixie impersonator,” she confessed.

She also went on to reveal her struggles with other health issues, including arthritis and temporomandibular joint disorder, a condition affecting the jaw’s movement.

“I never dreamed of any of this. When all this started happening, that day off seemed so, ‘Sleep when you’re dead.’ But after ten years [of that], you start to get sick and feel horrible. The Trixie industry that I’ve created, as is, is not sustainable,” she admitted.

Trixie’s heartfelt message to her fans included gratitude and reassurance that her YouTube channel would not be abandoned. She promised, “very famous, very iconic, very celebrated drag artists, makeup artists, performers” would fill in during her absence and thanked her fans for their unwavering support.

Trixie is expected to return to Drag before the end of year, with plenty of gigs already in the works, including her Australian Solid Pink Disco Tour in 2025.


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One response to “Trixie Mattel Reveals Health Struggles As She Commences Drag Hiatus”

  1. Miss Trixie,
    I just absolutely love your channel and performances. you are such an amazing host on the Pit stop. and love your honey bunch he is so sweet; you are such an inspiration to all that you contact. keep on doing you. enjoy your time off. much love always