Super Gay Olympics Opening Ceremony Causing Global Outrage

Super Gay Olympics Opening Ceremony Causing Global Outrage
Image: Image: X(Twitter) @Olympics

The opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics has officially wrapped up, but the incredibly gay performances have still got people talking across the globe.

The very camp opening ceremony included Lady Gaga, Celine Dion and a lineup of France’s finest Drag Queens as they took over the River Seine.

However it was the later that has caused quite a stir across the globe.

“Heaven cries as Olympics Opening Ceremony Mock the Last Supper”

The opening ceremony took place over the weekend as a very slow procession of barges headed down the River Seine showcasing French performers throughout the evening, despite rain drenching the procession.

However it was Nicky Doll, the host of Drag Race France and her guests who caught the attention of the world for several reasons.

The large group of drag queens appeared during their segment with Nicky Doll on the barge seated at a long table.

Dressed in their finest, the group sat along the table, preparing for a feast or as some interpreted it, a supper.

The meal was even complete with a strange blue man served upon a platter in the centre of the table.

Gay Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony
Image: X (Twitter) @Olympics

However, many christians and conservatives were adamant the performance was a parody of The Last Supper and they were not happy with what they saw, even irking the likes of Elon Musk.

“This was extremely disrespectful to Christians” he posted on X (Twitter).

“Sport turned into propaganda never looks good. Papa Smurf rolling in the fruit bowl is not appealing on any level” wrote one user on X (Twitter).

Social media channels were flooded with similar responses.

Meanwhile in Australia the performance irked Wendy Francis and the Australian Christian Lobby who issued a statement condemning the performance.

“Heaven cries as Olympics Opening Ceremony Mock the Last Supper” read the headline of the statement by the ACL.

“For the heavens to rain down heavy tears on the parade seemed appropriate as the French Olympic Games Opening disgracefully besmirched the last supper with sexulised men pretending to be women parodying it” Wendy Francis stated.

“Christians participating in the Games must feel absolutely betrayed by this crude display, ridiculing the greatest event in history – the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ in Holy Communion, or the Lord’s Supper” she continued.

“France has betrayed its predominantly Catholic nation. Western culture is doomed, having lost its foundation and its moral compass” she concluded.

However despite the interpretation of the performance the official Olympics X (Twitter) account provided their own explanation of the image.

“Olympics: The interpretation of the Greek God Dionysus makes us aware of the absurdity of violence between human beings” they posted.

Paris Olympics organisers respond

Thomas Jolly, the artistic director responsible for the opening ceremony responded to questions about the complaints at a recent press conference.

“When we want to include everyone and not exclude anyone, questions are raised” he said at the media briefing.

“Our subject was not to be subversive. We never wanted to be subversive. We wanted to talk about diversity” he clarified.

“Diversity means being together.”

“We wanted to include everyone, as simple as that.”

“In France, we have freedom of creation, artistic freedom. We are lucky in France to live in a free country” he continued.

“I didn’t have any specific messages that I wanted to deliver.”

“In France, we are republic, we have the right to love whom we want, we have the right not to be worshippers, we have a lot of rights in France, and this is what I wanted to convey.”

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4 responses to “Super Gay Olympics Opening Ceremony Causing Global Outrage”

  1. As a gay man I found it repugnant, and it has turn me off from watching the Olympics, the scene with fire, and decapitated Marie Antonette was satanic, if you look at the stage where dignitaries location, at each side you’ll see a golden bull head and other size unfortunately the camara man does not allows you to see it to decipher. But all those symbols are satanic and different than the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. How much does inclusion requires. I only see a creation if degenerates, and the end of society.

  2. There is no proof that the so-called
    Last Supper” ever actually took place and let’s face it even if it did then all the paintings of it are pure, white supremacist interpretations of it. All religions, particularly the “Mosaic” religions of Judaism, Chritianity and Islam, were creted by men. They were created in order to Control others, to depict women as “Chattels” – the property of men, to allow people tp own Slaves. The myth of the Book of Genesis probably resulted from some child asking it’s parents “Where did I come from?” There is No Proof that the so-called Ten Commandments were anything more than Moses hiding away and writing them himself, Even if they were dictated by this mythical other-worldy being whom we have been told down the millenia is All Powerful, All Seeing and All Knowing, then why does he, its always a male, allow the atrocities which all three have committed down the cenuries? Why does it allow the murder of innocent children such as occured in Iraq by the USA, Australia and others during the USA’s Illegal invasion of that now unhappy land? Why does it allow the murder of Innocents, especially children , in Gaza, Israel, the West Bank? Why did it allow the atrocities committed by all sides in Afghanistan, the murder of Children by Russia’s Putin and his army in Ukraine? Why does it allow millions to starve to death in various African countries.?