QLD Premier Steven Miles Promises To Double Funding For Brisbane Pride At Rally

QLD Premier Steven Miles Promises To Double Funding For Brisbane Pride At Rally
Image: Image: Michael James / Star Observer.

Brisbane Pride Festival is happening today in Queensland, and Premier Steven Miles spoke at the rally where he’s promised to double the funding for Brisbane Pride and LGBTQIA+ Pride events throughout Queensland, and the Queensland LGBTQIA+ Alliance if elected in October.

He told the crowd that if he is elected in the Queensland election in October, he’ll provide this major funding boost for LGBTQIA+ and pride events across the state – including in regional areas.

He says the funding increase will be made permanent.

 This means a total investment of $4.51 million over four years from 2024-25 to 2027-28 including: 

  • $1.2 million over four years in support for regional pride events and festivals across the state and an LGBTQIA+ arts grants program 
  • $720,000 over four years for operational sponsorship funding for Brisbane Pride March and Fair Day 
  • $2.59 million over four years to fund the LGBTQIA+ Alliance 

“Queensland’s queer and diverse communities make our state great, and I’m proud to back them. Now, I will double the financial support available to the sector if elected in October. Because I believe even more people can be supported by these organisations and included in important events,” read a statement from Miles.

“My government has done more for LGBTQIA+ Queenslanders than any government in the state’s history, and I will do what matters to keep that legacy alive.”

Minister Leeanne Enoch stresses concerns about LNP’s “extremist” anti-LGBTQIA+ candidates

Minister for Communities Leeanne Enoch also made a statement about the funding increase, saying it would mean that LGBTQIA+ events and organisations will be able to reach more people who need them, all throughout the state.

She also took the opportunity to stress her concerns over the idea of a Liberal-National Party (LNP) win at the upcoming Queensland election, particularly for the state’s LGBTQIA+ community.

“[Leader of the Queensland LNP] David Crisafulli and his LNP colleagues voted against outlawing conversion therapy, and just this month voted against strengthening protections from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and historic homosexual conviction,” says Enoch.

“This election David Crisafulli and the LNP have handpicked extremist candidates like Amanda Stoker who described a person’s sexuality as a “personal choice”. “When the LNP were last in government, David Crisafulli and the LNP cut funding to crucial services like QAHC, rolled back civil unions and surrogacy rights for same-sex couples, and tried to gag NGOs who spoke out on social issues.

“LGBTQIA+ Queenslanders can’t risk David Crisafulli and the LNP again.”

Steven Miles makes history as first QLD Premier to speak at Brisbane Pride

Steven Miles also made history today, with today’s speech that included the funding announcement – he is officially the first sitting Queensland premier to speak at Brisbane Pride.

Steven Miles just before his speech at the 2024 Brisbane Pride rally. Photo: Michael James/ Star Observer.

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