‘Skinheads’ bashed gay men: Scott Johnson inquest

‘Skinheads’ bashed gay men: Scott Johnson inquest
Image: Scott Johnson.

AS the third inquest into Scott Johnson’s 1988 death continues, a witness has described a ‘skinhead’ group at the time bragging about assaulting gay men.

Around the time of Johnson’s death, a group called the Narrabeen Skinheads were allegedly heard bragging about assaulting an “American faggot”, ABC News has reported.

Johnson fell to his death from a cliff off Sydney’s North Head, near a beat. While the death was originally deemed a suicide, his family believes he was murdered in a gay hate crime.

The witness’s statement said that police in 2013 had been informed about the gang’s activities relating to a number of assaults of gay men between 1988 and 2001.

Johnson’s partner, Michael Noone, has also faced questioning about their relationship.

Noone rejected the suggestion that monogamy was not considered essential in gay relationships.

“This was the period of HIV and AIDS,” Noone said.

“There was enormous pressure, health pressure and survival pressure, to remain in monogamous relationships.”

Noone was also questioned about a suicide attempt Johnson had disclosed to him.

“This is somebody who had gone to the edge and found themselves incapable, physically incapable, of going through with it,” Noone said.

“I was there at the drop of a hat at every moment for him.

“When he had this experience, I was the one he contacted… I really thought it was an aberration. It happened and had been dealt with.”

The inquest is continuing.

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