There goes the neighbourhood

There goes the neighbourhood

Everyone’s favourite gay reality television couple Warren and Gavin have reached the mid-way point of their on-screen renovation hell on Channel 9’s The Block. So far Waz and Gav have coped with a lack of floorboards and their upstairs neighbour Paul’s leaking toilet. Gav’s called Waz a goose, Waz has told Paul to get stuffed and the Boys have appeared in their underpants at least once per episode. And compared to Amity and Phil’s fediterranean efforts, Fiona and Adam’s hotel room chic and Paul and Kylie’s Sutherland styles, the Boys’ apartment is looking nothing short of fabulous. Vote for Warren and Gavin in the online who’s hottest poll at or catch the latest renovation-related human drama on Channel 9, 6:30pm on Sunday nights.

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