‘Straight lives matter’ rally to be held in Sydney

‘Straight lives matter’ rally to be held in Sydney

THE far-right group Party for Freedom is planning a ‘straight lives matter’ rally as part of a campaign against marriage equality.

The rally, which appropriates the name of the Black Lives Matter movement, is to be held in Darlinghurst on September 23.

“Party for Freedom is planning to hold a rally… in support of traditional marriage by calling on our fellow Australians to vote ‘no’ in the upcoming postal vote on same-sex marriage,” the Facebook event reads.

“We believe tradition is important, and the biological institution of marriage should not be redefined to suit a minority sexual orientation.”

Party for Freedom uses the slogan “Make Australia great again” on its website, where it also refers to gay people as “shirt lifters”.

Responses to the event on Facebook are mixed, with some supporting the rally and others criticising it.

“The LGBTI community don’t want special treatment, they just was equal rights,” wrote one person. “Let people be happy.”

“Fuck the LGBTI community,” wrote another. “Marriage is sacred between a man and a woman, the same as child creation. You gay fuckers are typical left wing scum. Anything to rock the boat!”

Voters have until August 24 to enrol or update their details to ensure they can vote in the plebiscite.

9 responses to “‘Straight lives matter’ rally to be held in Sydney”

  1. Name these sub-humans!
    They are inciting Hate.
    Find out who they are and lodge complaints with the Human Rights Commissioner.
    I cannot help but wonder if they are not part of the Australian non-Christian Lobby – a group which is prepared to dish out as much bile, bigotry, homophobia and Hate against all those who don’t agree with it BUT when they are attacked they complain!.
    Marriage is not, nor ever has been a “Biological institution” it is a man-made concept created entirely by men with but one aim: To control Women.
    Think on it!
    A woman who commits adultery can be stoned to death
    A woman whose husband dies is required to marry her late husband’s Brother – never mind that he is already married!
    On the other hand:
    A man who commits Adultery is subject to NO Punishment at all – let alone being killed.
    A man whose wife dies is free to screw wherever he likes.
    It’s all in that Great Book of Myths and Fables: The Bible.
    The Bible was entirely written by men.
    Judaism, Christianity and Islam are religions which were created entirely by men for and only of Benefit to men.
    Throughout the Bible – both the Old & New Women are treated as second or third class sub-humans.
    Freedom has nothing to do with these people. They can’t even think up their own slogans! They have to steal them from others including the ever-increasingly isolated Donald Trump!

  2. Dave, great answer. love it.
    I suspect that having their rally in Darlinghurst might be a mistake.

  3. These arseholes believe that straight lives DON’T matter? The majority of the country is straight, most politicians are straight, most characters on our tv screens are straight, most of our historical figures are straight, most of our sportspeople are straight, most of our pets are straight (although my Pointer has always had a lesbian quality to her, I’ve thought), most of our teachers, cops, doctors, bus drivers are straight. Who have I missed out?

    Marriage equality does nothing to harm straight marriages. I’m straight and I’m married and Adam and Steve having a big wedding right over the road from me will in no way threaten my marriage or my heterosexuality. And these dickwads telling me I should be threatened by marriage equality is both pretty offensive but also makes me conclude they’ve got something weird going on sexually.

  4. The term ‘shirt-lifter’ is so trite and purile. As it is, *anyone* who buys a shirt, picks one up to look at or to put in the wash is a ‘shirt-lifter’ (“look out, Grandma’s just lifted a shirt from that shelf!”) ????
    And as for ‘shop-lifters…’ ????
    Anyhow… perhaps people in the Rainbow Community could take ownership of the term ‘shirt-lifter’ (as we did with ‘queer’ for example). It could be the name of a new laundrette, a new choir (where the singing’s so good, it lifts your shirts). It could even be used as a replacement title gor a drag act to sing (…instead of a Shirley Bassey version of “Goldfinger”, it could be “Shirtlifter” [???????? “He loves only shirts, o-o-only shirts, he loves shiiiiiiiiiiiirts!” ???? ].).