Drags wanted to drag

Drags wanted to drag

Attention drag queens. Fancy yourself on home straight? Think you have what it takes to drag off a field of fierce competitors?

The Bobby Goldsmith Foundation is looking for Australia’s most competitive drag queens to line up as part of its Pink Stiletto Race Day at Royal Randwick Racecourse on Friday, February 26.

It’s your chance to be crowned as the inaugural Pink Stiletto Queen.

“We’re asking our brightest drag stars to come out and strut their fabulous stuff at the Pink Stiletto Race Day — the world’s first gay and lesbian race day,” a BGF spokesman said.

Are you the swiftest drag? The Pink Stiletto Drag Stakes will decide the Queen of all queens. Burst from the barriers and race the famous Royal Randwick finishing straight for the title of Pink Stiletto Queen.

The Pink Stiletto Queen will take all the pride and glory, a $1000 David Jones gift voucher and, of course, a winning sash.

And to sweeten the deal, all race entrants will receive a $100 David Jones gift voucher.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up now at www.pinkstiletto.com.au/pre_reg_drag.htm or call Odetta de la Vega on (02) 9663 8478.

One response to “Drags wanted to drag”

  1. Go Girls, What are you wearing on top? Pink I hope and some hearts to through to the horse crowd, I think they are out of the closet!!