Community engagement dinner
On Tuesday 14 April, the SGLBA is hosting a community enagement forum with guest speaker Donna Adney, Superintendent Commander at Surry Hills LAC.
This is a must-be-at event for gay and lesbian businesspeople who are concerned about the current economic climate, the condition of Oxford St businesses and safety on the strip. This is your opportunity to ask those questions about Surry Hills or GLBT issues and ask the Boss Cat what the police are doing about them.
The sumptuous three-course dinner, including question and answer time, will be held at Slide at 6.30pm for 7pm. To book your ticket visit or phone Slide directly on 8915 1899. The event opens at 6:30 for a 7pm start.
Cocktail party for new members
To welcome new members to the SGLBA, we are holding a new members cocktail function on Wednesday 29 April, 6pm-9pm, at the Chifley Hotel at Potts Point.
The Chifley is a great meeting space with an open air deck overlooking the vibrant junction of Kings Cross.
We are sending out invitations shortly to all those members who have joined the SGLBA in the last 12 months. It is a free event and a great way to meet each other and the Board, and to network.
Business seminar for members
Many of you are in business or freelancing or are professionals. A lot of you have said, We need some professional development that costs next to nothing and gives us a chance to network and pick up some new knowledge, refresh our skills and have fun.
We’re delighted to announce our newest event, Picking up Business, which will be held on Saturday 30 May.
It’s a complete half-day workshop with a fantastic selection of speakers who are experts in their field. It will only cost you $20 if you are an SGLBA member.
You’ll get to mix and connect with a bunch of like-minded professionals and businesspeople. You’ll get to pick up new knowledge and skills.
We’re putting together the program for you now. Expressions of interest to speak at the event are open. Contact Melanie on 0419 988 303 or via email at [email protected]