Clover Moore re-elected as Sydney mayor in landslide election

Clover Moore re-elected as Sydney mayor in landslide election
Image: Clover Moore has been re-elected as the mayor of Sydney in a landslide victory. Picture: Clover Moore's Facebook

CLOVER Moore has reclaimed her place as the Lord Mayor of Sydney in a landslide election vote.

Ms Moore – who has been mayor for 12 years, or three terms – received a swing of almost 10 per cent in the primary vote, and declared victory just after 9pm on Saturday.

The Liberal Party’s Christine Forster received 17 per cent of the vote.

Ms Moore’s victory comes despite moves by the Baird Government to remove her from power, through the introduction of legislation in 2014 that allowed businesses to vote in the council election.

“I’d like to thank the people of Sydney for coming out and voting for us in the election. Voting for us in the face of the ‘gerrymander’ by the Baird Government,” she said in a video posted to her official Facebook page.

“I want to thank the volunteers, the 850 people who came out over many weeks to hand out for us at bus stops, at train stations, at parks and shopping centres, and who came door knocking with us. and I’d like to thank the 650 people who staffed our polling stations.

“We have had an unprecedented democratic victory in Sydney and I’ve had a 10 per cent swing. I want to thank people for supporting me as mayor, and for people supporting our independent team to form a majority. I want to thank you for all your support.”

5 responses to “Clover Moore re-elected as Sydney mayor in landslide election”

  1. WOW the comment made by Peter Morony is full of vitriolic vile and since when did being a Liberal not allow someone to be GAY.
    I’m a gay man who has been in a loving relationship with my boyfriend (no political correctness here) by calling him my partner.
    We are both Liberals and proud of the fact so just because one person belongs to a party that doesn’t suit his political ideologies his comments call out in the most putrid way a woman who is openly gay who is a Liberal who has done so much for the gay cause in a positive way and is very supportive of many if not all our causes.
    As for Ms Moore she is only supportive because she sees a way of manipulating the gay community just for her own political agenda. You will note that within my comments I do not denigrate Ms Moore because she is hetrosexual but show her some dignity even though there are many Gays who feel exactly the way we do.
    One’s political flavour should not come into the debate because its people of all political persuasions who are really trying to make a difference.

  2. You say Forster won 17 per cent of the vote – what percentage did Clover get? Pretty pointless providing the statistic got just one candidate.

  3. Has it ever dawned on you that politicians just throw money at things they don’t have a clue about solving? Has it ever dawned on you that other political parties like the Greens have been supporting the LGBTI+ communities with real commonsense solutions to the issues that beset us because we are the people that face these issues within the LGBTI+ communities? Clover Moore now has such a majority that she doesn’t need to listen to any of the ideas that come from the minds of the Greens and other parties and so she’ll just keep on listening to back-room-Larry telling her the solution is to just throw money at them. It really annoys me how many people are fooled into believing that Clover is anything more than a very cunning politician who only seeks to continue to feather her own nest of self-absorbed self-adoration. The voters of Sydney deserve an upper-cut for electing her party so decisively that she now doesn’t have to take any notice of what the Greens are trying to do to help the LGBTI+ communities in real, effective ways.

  4. The blind arrogant stupidity of that Abbott sibling Christine Forster The LNP Harlot. She actually imagined people would vote for her. Does she and her hideous odious Liberal ilk whoring their sexuality – still not realize that the LNP is TOXIC. LGBT TOXIC. VERBOLTEN! GONE. DECEASED . DEAD.

  5. A win for Clover is a Win for the City and a a win for democracy –
    Clover Moore is the ONLY person for the Job –
    When you consider what the State and Federal government have done to her and how the laws have changed to try to oust her.
    It is with pride that I volunteered for Clover Moore, It was with joy that I heard the news – The last 20years that I have lived in Sydney and of the decade before Clover has actively participated and assisted the LGBT community – Donating vast sums to organisations benefitting the LGBT community.
    I am so pleased that for the next 4 years Clover can accomplish much much more and delighted that she had the Majority –