Bracks rules out civil unions
Victorian activists are planning a protest this Friday after state premier Steve Bracks reiterated the government would not introduce same-sex civil unions.Bracks told Victorian parliament this week his Labor government supported the removal of discrimination but would not legislate to allow gay civil unions.Gay Victorian independent MP Andrew Olexander has proposed a same-sex civil unions bills, but the Bracks government has said it will not debate it for now.Activist John Kloprogge, from Melbourne rights group Civil Union Action, said Bracks’s comments showed an unwillingness to support equal rights for same-sex couples.It’s deeply disappointing that the government thinks certain couples deserve respect and recognition, and others should be excluded and ignored.The rights group is planning a protest on Friday at the Victorian Labor Party’s headquarters in Melbourne.Meantime, the Victorian Greens will push for legal same-sex civil unions as part of their upcoming state election campaign, Australian Associated Press reported.Many gay and lesbian couples in Victoria have loving, long-term and committed relationships and they deserve the same rights and recognition as other couples, Greens gay and lesbian spokesperson Sue Pennicuik said.The Greens would also remove all discrimination on the basis of gender and sexuality as part of their policy.The Victorian state election will take place next month.