‘My LGBTI fans are my first fans, the heteros came later’: Joel Creasey
This interview with comedian Joel Creasey is part of our regular Backstage Observer series with Australian powerhouse singer Greg Gould. In the series, he’ll chat with artists about their life and experiences.
Creasey recently spoke out against body shaming and unreasonable beauty standards in the gay community.
What’s been your career highlight to date?
Working with Joan Rivers, and being the last comic she ever worked with. Definitely working with her.
Who would you love to have a show with?
Melissa McCarthy! I fucking love her!
Skittles or M&Ms?
Most definitely M&Ms – I hate anything fruit flavoured, and fruit.
Coffee, tea, or mimosas?
Coffee! Never booze before a show, but definitely after!
What’s one item you cannot live without?
Ooo probably my phone. I’m a proud phone addict. I hate people that poo poo phones and technology – I’m like well, you’re just going to get left behind.
Best experience in a gay nightclub?
Oh my god, where do I begin? I recently got drunk with Gamble from the Real Housewives of Melbourne. I love her! She’s my favourite.
What do your LGBTI fans mean to you?
My LGBTI fans are my first fans. They mean a lot to me, they’re awesome. The heteros came later, so they are really my core fans.
What’s your ultimate Pride anthem?
Probably anything Kylie! But if Who Do You Think You Are by the Spice Girls comes on, I will drop everything and run to the dance floor.
Who would play you in a biopic about your life?
Probably Dakota Fanning with a really severe haircut. I kind of look like her if she was going through a lesbian phase.
If you could have a lead role in any musical, what would it be?
OMG if I could sing I would not be in stand up because I love musicals! If I could be a lead I would be Elphaba in Wicked.
Joel Creasey’s national tour Blonde Bombshell will be traveling around Australia between March and June. For more information and to grab tickets click here.