Liberals Dump Peter McKay Following Homophobic Comments

Liberals Dump Peter McKay Following Homophobic Comments
Image: Peter McKay

After being reported by the ABC to have described ACT Policing as a force influenced by a homosexual agenda, and Welcome To Country ceremonies as ‘animistic practices’, recently endorsed Liberal party candidate Peter McKay has been dumped in the lead up to Canberra’s forthcoming Legislative Assembly elections 

The comments were made in a 2018 submission to the federal inquiry into religious freedoms, known as the ‘Ruddock review’

Mr McKay, in his submission stated that debate surrounding religious freedom had been supressed on “the consequences of accepting or rejecting homosexuality regarding demographic effect, economic growth, health, increased government support for old age support, the emotional health of children, [and] premature transgender cutting.

“What are the ramifications of this poor governance? We don’t know the issues because the debate was closed down.

“One would not wish to compare this government with Hitler, however, if the results of this review are cynically tokenistic without any real change, history will not be kind to the Turnbull government and the consequences not kind to the Australian people.”

 Mr McKay went on to liken the proposed restrictions to religious freedoms to the rule of Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot.

He continued his attack by claiming that Indigenous customs were an imposition on the religious freedoms of public servants, who were obligated to “ensure and apply this religious ceremony publicly onto unsuspecting members of the public.”

His comments were broadly rejected by the Canberra Liberal party, who moved to distance themselves on Tuesday. McKay’s endorsement was a short-lived affair, being announced as the Liberal Party candidate for the inner-city seat of Kurrajon just two days earlier.

Speaking with the ABC on Tuesday, Canberra Liberals leader Alistair Coe said, “My vision of ensuring Canberra is the best place to live, work and raise a family, includes ensuring Canberra is inclusive of all people, regardless of their culture, ethnicity, faith, gender or sexuality.

“The comments published today do not accord with the standard that I expect of our Liberal team. Accordingly, earlier today I sought Mr McKay’s resignation as a candidate which has since been tendered and accepted.

 However, even Coe’s sentiments ring hollow, in 2017 he was the only government or opposition leader in the country to declare their ‘no’ vote.

Further evidence of a toxic culture present within the party goes as far back as 2013 where in a political stoush, and with the support of the party’s small member base, former opposition leader and ultra conservative Zed Seselja stole preselection from Chief Minister Gary Humphries, whom was considered to be a more moderate figure.

After Peter McKay stepped in to replace Vijay Dubey, whom resigned last month after falling out with the party, it is yet to be announced who will step in as the third replacement for the seat of Kurrajong in the forthcoming election.

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