Anti-Trans Neo-Nazis ‘Celebrate’ Hitler’s Birthday: “A Dark Day for Australia’s Democracy”

Anti-Trans Neo-Nazis ‘Celebrate’ Hitler’s Birthday: “A Dark Day for Australia’s Democracy”
Image: TRACTerrorism/Twitter

Twenty anti-trans, white supremacist neo-Nazis gathered outside of a Melbourne restaurant on the 20th of April, last Thursday night, to “celebrate” Adolf Hitler’s 134th birthday. The group were pictured standing together for a Nazi salute, with one member holding a framed image of Adolf Hitler and another holding ‘H’ balloons. 

Members of the National Socialist Network, including group leader and convicted criminal Thomas Sewell, gathered at a Burwood Highway venue for what Sewell later described as “Holy Day.” Following the reported Nazi salute, Police arrived at ask the group to leave the restaurant however, no offences were identified, and no arrests were made. 

 Sewell later posted to Telegram to voice his frustrations against the Victoria police force and asserting that their group was “not breaking any laws” and “not disturbing a soul.”

We were set upon by a dozen scum from Victoria Police who were terribly upset we were celebrating this holy day instead of the government-approved gay or paedophile holidays,” he said.

Neo-Nazi leader Thomas Sewell (centre). Credit: AAP Image/James Ross

“They persecute us because they know we are rising, and the world will learn the truth about Hitler and look to us for leadership.”

An Act of “Singular Evil”

The actions at this event have been condemned by the Chair of the Anti-Defamation Commission (ADC), Dr. Dvir Abramovich who marked the activities of the group as an act of “singular evil.” 

Abramovich, who directed the movement for the government to ban the Swastika last year and is currently leading the front of an initiative for a national ban of the Nazi salute, or Sieg Heil, remarked that the display was a “sad and dark day for Australia’s democracy.”

“Something is very wrong in Victoria, and we should be all alarmed by this brazen and stomach-churning outrage that will forever be a stain on our state.,” Abramovich continued.

Why are so many neo-Nazis coming out of the woodwork now?

These events follow the Posie Parker anti-trans rally outside of Victoria’s parliament steps earlier this year, where neo-Nazis, including Thomas Sewell, performed the Nazi salute in support of Parker’s cause. The increase in these incidents has not gone unnoticed, with one Reddit user commenting on this most recent case.

by u/loptopandbingo from discussion Australia: Anti-trans white supremacists celebrate Hitler’s birthday, escorted out by police after giving Fascist salute. “They persecute us because they know we are rising and the world will learn the truth about Hitler and look to us for leadership.”
in beholdthemasterrace

“So coincidental that these shitheads all-star coming out of the woodwork once WWII vets are mostly gone. My grandfather wasn’t particularly progressive, but fighting through WWII meant he HATED Nazis, and would’ve absolutely slapped the shit out of these morons if he saw them doing this.”

This is a “Wake Up” Call to the Government 

The current national and state laws are limited in their ability to control and criminalise the actions of right-wing, extremist groups like the National Socialist Network. However, the sheer increase in volume of public, neo-Nazi demonstrations may be the wake-up call that the government needs to enact stricter regulations around hate speech. Dr Abramovich’s statement on this most recent incident cautions the Government and the general public on the dangers that these extremist groups pose to society.

“This is a timely wake-up call that we as a society need to keep a close watch on the resurgence of this dangerous movement if we want to prevent any further shooting rampages as we witnessed in New Zealand and other parts of the world. This is a fight we have to win.” 

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3 responses to “Anti-Trans Neo-Nazis ‘Celebrate’ Hitler’s Birthday: “A Dark Day for Australia’s Democracy””

  1. This group should be named and shamed. Do they condone the atrocities of world war 2? Really sick people.

  2. No faces should be blurred. These “humans” should be identifiable, so appropriate actions can be taken. Not to mention that calling Adolf Hitler’s birthday a holy day makes me feel quite ill. How do these “humans” find their way home at night? Seriously.

  3. Neo nazis are not just ant trans they are anti lesbian anti gay anti socialists anti feminists. And racist too. Nearly everyone except right wing white heterosexual males. Trans are not the only hated group. Nazis are a plague on our society along with INCELS.