NSW upper house Liberal MP Don Harwin publicly comes out
NSW upper house Liberal MP Don Harwin has publicly come out as gay in a speech he presented in State Parliament’s last sitting today.
In his speech, the president of the Legislative Council attributed his parliamentary career to the determination he derived from personal struggles.
He also praised how far LGBTI rights has come for young people today.
“Life is so different for them than it was for me,” said Harwin (pictured above), who is approaching the end of his second eight-year term.
“Much has been achieved since then, and perhaps my travails in less happy times gave me the determination I needed to pursue this role.”
According to the Sydney Morning Herald, Harwin said he had been out to parents, friends, and work colleagues for almost 20 years.
His public coming out sees him join fellow party member and Coogee state Liberal MP Bruce Notley-Smith, upper house Labor MPs Penny Sharpe and Helen Westwood, and Sydney state independent MP Alex Greenwich as NSW Parliament’s handful of openly-gay MPs.
In a submission to the 2012 Senate enquiry on marriage equality, Harwin said he wrote that excluding gay couples from the institution of marriage was a form of discrimination.
“It is remarkable how quickly public opinion has shifted and, indeed, our house has voted to support marriage equality in principle,” he said during his speech.
“I hope that my many friends who are waiting for the opportunity to marry will not have to wait too much longer for the Commonwealth Parliament to reform the law.”
Australian Marriage Equality national director Rodney Croome hailed Horwin’s public coming out, but urged the federal Coalition party to use this as an opportunity to allow a conscience vote on marriage equality.
“As an MP, Mr Harwin has the respect of his colleagues in the Liberal Party, but as a gay man he is yet to to be treated with respect under the Marriage Act.”
“I call on the federal Liberal Party to have a conscience vote on marriage equality so Mr Harwin and all gay Australians can be equal citizens.”
NSW will head to the polls for a state election in March.
Well done to Don for fully coming out – every time a high public figure comes out as gay – it reinforces the fact that it’s ok to be gay – well done Don Harwin
Lets hope that he rubs off on some of the homophobes in the liberal party!
Paul of Forbes – when the law is passed eventually, as it will be, it will happen with no credit to you whatsoever. Your stance is futile, naïve and downright silly. The Sex Party are certainly a bit of a laugh on the ballot paper but even they would know they are never going to be in a position of power to effect real change. Real change comes when public attitudes change and people work within the major parties to change hearts and minds. To you we can only say, thanks for nothing.
So you OPPOSE marriage equality in 2014!
Supporting marriage equality is not “a bit of a laugh” – it is serious because 4/5 “5 eyes countries” countries of the western world (Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom* and the United States#) in 2014 have marriage equality now. Even other powerful countries (South Africa, Argentina, Brazil, France, Spain, Denmark, Norway and Sweden) all have marriage equality – oh Australia, still the land of embarrassing BACKWARDNESS!
*UK marriage equality laws do not including 5 UK jurisdictions (Northern Ireland, Jersey, Isle of Man, Gibraltar and Guernsey).
#14 US states still ban marriage equality, currently awaiting all court rulings and SCOTUS outcomes in 2015/2016.
Again – Why is marriage equality still banned in Australia in 2014?
Oh Liberal Party, no sorry I vote for the Sex Party!
The two main Australian political parties (both Labor and Liberal) are just as bad as each other – in no marriage equality reform at all!
All the following Australian Political Parties – such as Labor, Liberal, Nationals, Greens, Shooters and FIshing Party, One Nation, Democrats, Palmer United Party, Christian Democrats, Family First and the Rise Up Party – all are AGAINST and OPPOSE gay marriage – so NO vote from me at all!
Vote 1 Australian Sex Party (ASP)!
I will just keep voting for the Australian Sex Party – until gay marriage is allowed legally within Australia!