Labor’s marriage equality bill introduced but unlikely to progress

Labor’s marriage equality bill introduced but unlikely to progress
Image: The crowd at Sydney's Taylor Square during a recent marriage equality rally. (PHOTO: Ann-Marie Calilhanna; Star Observer)

THE offer made yesterday by Labor’s Tanya Plibersek — at a rally in the Sydney LGBTI-centric neighbourhood of Darlinghurst — to step down from the party’s marriage equality bill if a Coalition MP could be found to co-sponsor the proposal has fallen on deaf ears.

This morning, Labor leader Bill Shorten and his deputy Plibersek introduced a bill to the House of Representatives which would change the definition of marriage from “one man and one woman” to “two people”.

Speaking in a chamber largely bereft of Coalition MPs, Shorten said: “Changing the Marriage Act is the next overdue step on the path to equality.” (scroll down to watch a video of Shorten’s speech)

However, without Coalition support it is unclear when the bill will be revisited for a debate, let alone ever be voted on.

Meanwhile, a leading pro-marriage equality voice in the Liberal party — Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s lesbian sister and City of Sydney councillor Christine Forster — has said Labor is playing politics by introducing a bill before a cross-party approach had been devised.

An estimated 1000 people squeezed into the rally at Taylor Square in Darlinghurst yesterday, beneath the giant rainbow flag, to hear all major parties plea for bipartisanship when it came to marriage equality in the wake of the recent Irish referendum.

Organisers Australian Marriage Equality urged the crowd to email their MPs and visit to express support.

Speaking after the rally, Plibersek said the Coalition should back Labor’s proposal.

“Because bipartisanship is so very important for this issue to succeed I have offered to stand aside as the seconder should a Liberal or National MP be prepared to second the bill,” she said.

While Abbott raised the possibility of a future conscience vote last week, Coalition MPs are still currently bound to vote down marriage equality. As such, no government MP seconded the bill that was introduced in Parliament this morning.

Plibersek denied Labor were jumping the gun on the issue.

“As this has been debated for years, as my own bill was available for scrutiny for 14 months, I do not think any suggestions that we need more time to consider it really stands up to much scrutiny,” she said.

Rather, the deputy opposition leader said a “catch-22” situation existed where a Coalition debate on a free vote couldn’t progress until legislation was introduced and Labor had “decided to push through that stand off”.

However, Forster accused Labor of “politicking” and said the bill should have been withdrawn in favour of legislation born through cross party consensus.

“Given what the Prime Minister said in parliament last week it would have been great of Labor if they had been gracious and said OK let’s take a breath and stop trying to score points off the Liberal party,” she said yesterday.

“We need to take the politics out of the whole thing to get the right result.”

Since last week, Forster has been one of the most vocal Liberals publicly advocating for marriage equality.

She denied this was because many Liberal MPs were still unwilling to speak up on the issue.

“We’ve seen Labor politicians over the last little while come out in support of this and as we get closer to the vote we’ll increasingly see Liberal party politicians come out and support this,” she said.

South Australian Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, who has her own marriage equality bill in the Senate, said bipartisanship was essential.

“No one party, no one person has brought it to this point and no one party, no one person will be able to deliver the result,” she said.

“The consensus building has begun and it needs to continue.”

The Star Observer understands a new bill, tabled by a Coalition MP and backed by the other parties, could emerge if a free vote is granted.

Over the weekend, Leichhardt federal Liberal MP Warren Entsch — regarded as an influential Coalition backbencher — reportedly agreed to work with the Opposition Leader on a cross-party bill that could see marriage equality legislated by spring.

While Entsch did not co-sign the marriage equality bill introduced by Shorten today, Fairfax Media said the pair are expected to meet after the current budget sittings of parliament finishes on June 25 to come up with an “all parties” solution.

Yesterday’s rally also heard that NSW law should be changed so married couples, where one partner transitions gender, should not be forced to subsequently divorce.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten’s speech as he introduced his Marriage Act amendment this morning:

63 responses to “Labor’s marriage equality bill introduced but unlikely to progress”

  1. I’m with Keith Bowker on this. I think Shorten may be sincere in his reasons for the Bill, but it won’t make this happen quicker – and he knows it. Tony Two Face doesn’t want it.

    Mind you, it’s given me hours of fun arguing with tossers on the electric interwebs.

    As Keith may have asked, why should my basic human rights be subject to the whim of overpaid public servants when the majority of the people have already made it clear that they support equality?

  2. The Liberal position as I understand it: Abbott wants a bi-partisan bill. Liberal members aren’t allowed to sponsor such a bill unless the party allows a conscience vote. A conscience vote won’t be discussed unless there is a bill before parliament. Does anyone else see the problem here?
    And they accuse Bill Shorten and Labor of politicising the issue by trying to force the Libs out of this circle!!! Omg, the hypocrisy of the Libs continues to beggar belief.

  3. It’s about time both sides of government remembered they are representing us, the people of Australia. It’s insulting politicians are making decisions based on personal views and not those of the people they represent. Times have changed. A new referendum on this issue is due.

  4. Abbott will hold back and make it an election promise and all the mindless dickheads will vote for him again and then he will not do it. Lie after Lie

  5. Still “debating” this marriage equality thing – how silly and embarrassing in 2015! In other news Catholic Cardinal George Pell Tony Abbotts mate is in BIG TROUBLE!

  6. Both the High Court of Australia and Federal Australian Lawmakers are completly fucking useless cunts on sorting this SSM issue! So one thing is left to do: Let’s just have a national prerequisite/referendum on this SSM and settle this issue once and for all – just like Ireland!

    • No, only old non-disabled adult white heterosexual men, who act like complete babies starved for media attention for votes with way too much power – acting just like Justin Brat Beaver! Our Parliament is a total utter disgrace and a complete embarrassment to the nation!

  7. Of course labor would den they were jumping the gun! what was to be achieved out of this really?
    First of all Bill Shorten knows the numbers are there so wants to grandstand, even after word came from the coalition that they would like a parliamentary approach.
    2nd of all, did Bill do this to sink the ship ?
    it was going to work if they they waited for a parliamentary approach. so why go it alone? to sabotage ssm without any blame.

  8. I suspect it was a very cynical move to cash in on a current event, I don’t think for one minute the fire in the belly was really there..political expediency is driving this, I’m so very sad to say, not real commitment or passion for change..

  9. Did anyone expect anything different from today? The PM clearly said the other day it would only go through as sponsored by the whole parliament – NOT sponsored by a private members bill and especially not sponsored by an opportunistic, headline grabbing leader of the Opposition. It would have been a fitting and proper thing to do that the Labor leader offered to work with the government to achieve that end – but no, Bill Shorten having used up all his shots and failed to gain any traction with the budget or asylum seekers is now desperate to grab and use any issue that might make him look good….marriage equality is good enough. The most significant things that have happened in the marriage equality campaign in the last two weeks were what happened in Ireland – and Tony Abbott’s response – saying any advances here would be put through by the whole parliament.
    Bill’s antics and stunts have done absolutely nothing!

    • Get a reality check – Abbott has still not agreed to do anything – and there is NO FORMAL PROCESS announced to achieve a bipartisan bill.

      In other words, the Liberals have not agreed to do a single thing.

      The ONLY concrete initiative was Shorten’s bill – and only after that was announced did Abbott suddenly make potentially promising, but utterly empty, statements.

    • then after 6 years in government why did we NOT GET FULL EQUALITY, empty words and so hypocritical. If shorten meant those words we would not be having this debate we would have equality NOW.

      • That is because conservative/religious western NSW were pulling the strings of the Unions and the Labor Party at the time. The idea was not to scare away conservative voters from backing the ALP at the elections. Well it did not work anyway because the Libs got in federally. NSW has a conservative state government, and usually what NSW wants, Australia has to endure.
        Abbott still appeals to the religious/conservatives for votes, but that will not continue as they are slowly decreasing in numbers as the new generation grows up. The millennials’ motto is: THOU SHALT NOT DISCRIMINATE. Equal marriage is inevitable, and Abbott will be seen as a dinosaur.

        • That is an insult to dinosaurs – Tony Abbott and co is a fucking fossil that should be thrown in a furnace! Dinosaurs had a brain and a conscience – the only thing Tony Abbott has is a anti-gay and anti-conscience robot mindset and a very small tick tac in his budge-smugglers!

  10. well shorten was warned not to bring it on yet, what did he do? For his own political gain, bought it on………….he is an opportunist NOT a LGBTI friendly person, remember he STOOD against us 2 years ago using his catholicism. How about you reporting things more accurately and HELPING LGBTI get behind FULL EQUALITY and rop this marriage crap…………we need deserve and should ONLY settle for full equality, what about people that don’t want to marry? Full equality will fix everything in one go, why not have that instead of second best morsel only for those who want it, thats not equality in ANY sense of the word…… about equality FOR ALL of us? Stop being middle class heteros and start being who we are LGBTI people asking for equal rights for ALL.

    • Dont worry Eagle. You are not compelled to marry. Try not to let RABBITT scramble your brains completely.

      Do Jews ask for equal rights. No they dont. THEY DEMAND EQUAL RIGHTS.


    In late breaking news it has been reported that the the Prime Minster Tony Abbott has been arrested with his tongue up notorious Spiritual leader of kiddy fiddlers – George Peals ARSE. Police said it was an unnatural gross indecency and a public health risk.

    Abbott Replied that God told him to put his tongue in Georges arse. He said ‘ everyone must learn to put their tongues in Georges arse otherwise we will strip them of their citizenship.

    Tanya Plibersek replied, ‘gooo gooo gah gah snivel snivel snivel, look at my pretty hair and my pink blazer. Dont you think I look nice?


    • I demand same sex marriage for gay people in Australia. However, I am not into political stunts and can understand why the Coalition refused to play a part in this one.
      Shorten may have fooled many other Australians into thinking he was doing this to help GLBTI people but it was only his own political career he had in mind when he rushed this vote winning Bill into Parliament.

  13. When will these petty little people who are frightened of change move into a new world where diversity and equality stand for something!

    • Dont be ridiculous . The house was empty. You are an apologist for gay bashers. Open your blind eyes.

    • They can’t team up until the Coalition Party Room allows it. This is just a weak attempt by the Coalition to make themselves look as if they are preparing to do something to counteract the publicity stunt by the Labor Party introducing a Private Member’s Bill.

  14. Procedurally, this is private member’s bill. There is no requirement for government members to attend.

    Shorten has been extended an offer to get his bill passed with a bi-partisan approach to this issue. Instead, he chose to grandstand.

    Shorten is a fool. This only exposes his cynical reasons for putting up the bill in the first place – to avoid blood on the floor over the issue at the looming ALP conference.

    • If you check back though, bill shorten announced he had submitted the notice to submit a bill prior to Tony saying he wanted a bipartisan approach. I’m by no means standing up for Tony (can’t stand the man) but it seems Tony is forcing the bipartisan approach by saying to his party to not appear for the bill reading however Bill shorten has submitted his intentions before the bipartisan bill idea was brought up.

    • with you Craig, perfect summation and so many of you are loosing the point, why ask for marriage, we want and need to ONLY accept full equality, marriage is a stick they will throw at us and then STOP every other equal right, why settle for second best. We are not second class/best, we are equal, lets ask for that, then marriage and everything will be equal, if we accept marriage now we will be decades away from proper FULL equality say NO NO WAY to marriage without full equality, we don’t want their bones thrown at us………………………and how little will that affect LGBTI people who do not want to or care about marriage, are single etc etc those selfish wealthy gay men who want marriage are LOCKING the rest of us out of what we have FOUGHT YEARS for since 1979……………….marriage is NOTHING withot full legal equality, am I the only gay man in australia to get that? I know am not, but those that agree with me are scarred of being abused by the marriage ranters, I am not afraid. I wasn’t in ’79 and wont be bullied by other gay men now over this issue either. Its totally selfish to settle for second best, let’s stay the distance and get equality for ALL.BOTH parties are playing us for fools and we seem to have fallen for it.

    • Bi-partisan approach?? WHAT OFFER?? BY WHOM?

      Abbott has not stated any intention to introduce a bill, or appointed anyone to liaise with the Opposition.

      The only commitment from Abbott that stands unchanged is denying all Liberals a conscience vote.


  15. well then people need to become more vocal. Dont sit back and wait for someone else to do it. Email and ring your member for parliament. Tell them they are elected to represent the people and the people have spoken. Keep on doing it until they listen. Governments for too long seem to have forgotten hwo they got to that position. It was the people. They were elected to speak and act FOR the people. Perhaps a national strike by the LGBTI community will make an impact and a statement on just how influential our communit can be.

    • What on earth makes you think we can trust labour on this. Are you mad? Their basement is full of child molesting Catholics. Just like Tones, they are anti gay, anti lesbian, anti bisexual, anti transgender. Labor is a big fat filthy pig with pink lipstick smeared all over its ugly face. Dont be so ignorant as to believe they will deliver. They will not. They want two things. To have their cake, and then to eat it as well. I hope they choke.

    • disappointing but if we’re honest, it’s not as if the ALP haven’t engaged in their own share of Machiavellian political manoeuvring on this issue … Australian politics is sadly endlessly cynical

    • they didn’t boycott anything get to know your parliament and it PROCESSES before you lie……… isn’t up for voting yet, it was simply tabled today and there is a mountain of bills listed before this will come up for voting……ignorance really does dumb down people, and shits me no end……and labor did this all the time in government, no need to be there, when you are the government and running the country……..

    • Hey Eagle, can you provide an example where not even one member of the ALP turned up to the tabling of a Private Member’s Bill from the Opposition when Labor was in Government?

    • Eagle, have you even looked up how may bills were passed by Julia Gillard? Why not try to be honest youself, before ridiculous criticism.

    • Some ALP MPs boycotted it as well and will be voting NO when it comes to the final vote.

      So much for the ALP being the party of fairness. Only when there are votes in it it seems….