JOY 94.9 hosts its first legal same-sex wedding live on air

JOY 94.9 hosts its first legal same-sex wedding live on air

On Friday night, Daniel Syrus and Geoff Poulsen declared their love for one another and tied the knot. But this wasn’t just any wedding, because it was broadcast live to the world via Australia’s LGBTI radio station JOY 94.9.

At 6pm on a Friday, the drive team of David Hunt and Sue Wilkinson would usually be kicking into their request hour, but when Sue completed her celebrant course, an idea started brewing in the teams mind that just wouldn’t go away, to host JOY’s first legal same-sex marriage live on air.

Daniel and Geoff won the competition to see which couple would tie the knot, and preparations for the big day were underway.

The team at JOY transformed the studio and offices into a chapel of love, and pretty soon they were getting married, with the ceremony streamed online and live to air on the JOY airwaves.

“I don’t think we have even had a moment quite like it on the air before,” Wilkinson told us at the wedding reception.

“We not only celebrated their love, but we created an opportunity to have that love shared with the world, which is an incredible thing to do.

“JOY provided us with the platform for this moment to happen and the community really got behind it,” she added.

“Everyone wanted to donate time energy and effort and it was truly an honour to be a part of it. Daniel and Geoff are a hoot, they love each other so much and even though they have an over obsession with spreadsheets it made being a part of their special moment just lovely.”


But it must have been strange for friends and guests being able to listen in to the ceremony but not actually be there.

“It was super cute, but there’s something weird about getting ready for a wedding reception when you are hearing the wedding on the radio,” friend Michael Edwards laughed.

“It was lovely to still be a part of it through the medium of radio and feel like I was there. Hearing their vows and Dan getting emotional was like being there, and it was really sweet to be a part of.”

Craig Maroney, who watched via the live feed on Facebook, tildes: “It was both bittersweet and emotional.

“After seeing their relationship evolve over the past ten years and seeing Dan cry made me cry as well. Seeing Dan struggle to get out his words, especially know how much he likes to talk was really beautiful.”

Daniel and Geoff before their vows. Photo David and Sue Facebook Page

Although the grooms had a bet to see which one would cry first, they couldn’t help but get emotional during their vows.

“It was something I was expecting,” Daniel told us.

“I had spent the day being very logical and organised, running through my list of things to do. We love each other so much and standing there in front of him and talking about how much I love him; I couldn’t help myself.

“It was so lovely to see the effort JOY made to transform the space for our moment. That people you don’t even know were volunteering their time to make our special day even more special. It was beautiful to see, and I can’t thank them enough.

“I may have lost in our competition to see who would cry first, but it’s all done now, and I am excited for the journey that is ahead of us. And there is something exciting that people I didn’t know listened to my own wedding, and I hope that enjoyed that special moment too.”

Congratulations, Daniel and Geoff!

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