Italian Gay Porn Star Turned Mathematics Professor Wins Unfair Dismissal Case

Italian Gay Porn Star Turned Mathematics Professor Wins Unfair Dismissal Case
Image: Instagram

An Italian gay porn star turned mathematics professor, has won an unfair dismissal case against his university. 

After Sapienza University, in Rome, fired Ruggero Freddi, 46, when they found out about his porn career, which he retired from in 2009.

‘It Wasn’t Exactly A Secret’

In 2017, he became a professor in the engineering department at Sapienza University.

According to Freddi, after teaching for “60 to 100 allotted hours” he was fired without explanation and without his full pay. 

In Italian newspaper, La Repubblica he explained, “Some students reported the photo in a few sites and from there my former life as a porn actor emerged.”

“To be honest, it wasn’t exactly a secret.”


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‘I Was Forced To Sue. And I won’

According to, Freddi was awarded $4011 in unpaid wages and $2406 for “unsatisfied dismissal”.

Afterwards, he said, “I was forced to sue. And I won. I hope my case gives courage to all PhD students who are exploited after years of studies and specialisations.”

During Freddi’s porn career, he was known as Carlo Masi. He starred in films such as Big ‘N’ Plenty and Man Country.

Freddii is married to husband Gustavo Alejandro Leguizamon, another former porn star who is now a PhD.

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