Troy Michael Smith Crowned Mr Gay World 2023, Australia’s Dion Alexander Is Second Runnerup

Troy Michael Smith Crowned Mr Gay World 2023, Australia’s Dion Alexander Is Second Runnerup
Image: Mr Gay World 2023 Troy Michael Smith (centre), David Allwood (left) and Dion Alexander (right).

Guam’s Troy Michael Smith was crowned Mr Gay World, while Australia’s Dion Alexander was named second runner-up. UK’s David Allwood was the first runner-up. 

Smith, a real estate agent and mental health advocate from the US Island territory of Guam, but lives in Alaska, said he felt “incredible” after he was crowned the winner at a ceremony on Friday in Capetown. 

“It’s just a blessing that I was able to express my message to all the judges and my fellow contestants about suicide prevention and what we can do to help lower that high statistic within the LGBTQIA+ community specifically,” Smith said in a statement. 

Mr Gay Pride Australia

Mr Gay World 2023 Troy Michael Smith (centre), David Allwood (left) and Dion Alexander (right). Image: Mr Gay World.

Sydney-based Dion Alexander congratulated Smith. “I honestly can’t think of anyone else who will do all us delegates and our community proud,” Alexander posted on Instagram.

Alexander was crowned Mr Gay Pride Australia in November 2022. Alexander is part of Rainbow Swans, the official LGBTQI supporter group of the AFL team Sydney Swans. 

Talking about his experience in taking part in the Mr Gay World 2023 competition, Alexander revealed that he suffered from imposter syndrome. 

“There were many things that were new to me and outside my comfort zone setting in a real sense of imposter syndrome. These feelings were exacerbated by the fact I was in a room full of amazing guys that had not only done it all before but were super super passionate about their causes,” said Alexander. 

“It was so amazing to be able to talk on a global platform about the great work I’ve done as Mr Gay Pride Australia, especially with the AFL Pride Collective and the Rainbow Swans. I was surprised by how well my message to end homophobia in sport was received by the other delegates and how supportive they all are to help me to realise change in this space.”

Alexander also had a message for first runner-up Allwood.  “I said from the first day if I came runner-up to you I would not be disappointed at all. The passion oozes from every pore of your body and you’re doing such great work. To the rest of my fellow delegates, you are all such amazing people doing amazing work and I can’t think of a group of nicer people, Gayest love to you all.”

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