TV host Piers Morgan quizzed about genitals by trans guest

TV host Piers Morgan quizzed about genitals by trans guest

PIERS Morgan has been asked his genitals on television after he refused to stop asking similar questions of a trans guest.

Morgan had been interviewing Canadian Kori Doty, a non-binary parent who has been in the news following their fight to have their baby’s sex omitted from their birth certificate, Pink News has reported.

The Good Morning Britain interview veered into different territory, with Morgan interrogating Doty about their own gender and genitals.

Morgan asked Doty if they were “born male or female”.

“Piers, I’ve seen your interviews,” replied Doty.

“I know you’ve gotten into trouble for asking these questions before and you know this isn’t the right way to ask them.”

Morgan continued pressing Doty on the matter until they relented and answered that they were assigned female at birth.

His next question was whether they have had genital surgery.

“I will remind you that the genital configuration and surgical history of trans people is not actually an issue on the table,” replied Doty.

“It’s not a conversation that’s needed to be had.”

When Morgan continued to ask about whether Doty had had “an operation to change sex”, they replied, “If that’s the direction this conversation is going to go, can I ask you if one of your testicles hangs lower?”

Morgan said that he couldn’t discuss his own genitals on the “family friendly” show.

Doty went on to explain some issues around gender.

“What someone’s genitals look like when they are born does not actually give us accurate information about their gender.

“What my baby’s genitals look like is private. That’s between me, their doctors, and their potential future sexual partners.

“Gender identity will develop later in life. Some people are trans and some people are non-binary. Most babies can have a biological sex determined within two categories, but not all.”

2 responses to “TV host Piers Morgan quizzed about genitals by trans guest”

  1. It’s normal for one testicle to hang lower than the other. They fit better that way. Piers’ refusal to admit to being normal is actually pretty fascinating when you consider how obsessive his interviews are.