Gay-baiting ad ‘disrespectful’

Gay-baiting ad ‘disrespectful’

Equality advocates have responded angrily to a new anti-gay marriage TV advertisement from Bob Katter’s Australia Party, describing it as ‘disrespectful’ to the many gay Queenslanders who contribute to the state.

The ad features two shirtless men in an embrace while a voice asks: “How well do you really know Campbell Newman? Do you really think he will stand up for your family values? Then think again. The LNP leader supports gay marriage just like Greens leader Bob Brown.”

Australian Marriage Equality (AME) national convenor Alex Greenwich said Katter has misjudged his own state.

“Anyone following this campaign knows that Queenslanders are interested in moving their state forward not backwards,” he said.

“Most Queenslanders have gone on a journey of acceptance of same-sex couples. This ad panders to the past.”

Carl Katter, the half-brother of Bob Katter and an AME board member, called the ad disrespectful.

“This ad ignores the high level of support for marriage equality in Queensland, and is totally disrespectful of the many gay Queenslanders who proudly contribute to their state every day of their lives,” he said.

The Queensland Association for Healthy Communities (QAHC) also condemned the attack ad.

“Katter’s hate group is stomping on the lives of gay and lesbian families to try and score cheap political points,” said QAHC executive director Paul R Martin.

“It’s not worthy of a serious political party in the 21st century.

“It’s this kind of hate attack on the gay and lesbian community that contributes to rates of mental illness and suicide being four-to-five times that of heterosexual people.”

A recent inquiry into civil unions in Queensland received 2195 submissions in support and 537 opposed.

The Queensland state election will be held on March 24.

15 responses to “Gay-baiting ad ‘disrespectful’”

  1. I hadn’t thought of it like that Wayne. Point taken!

    Just a thought though, there’s a lot of things in heteronormative society that our communities don’t mimic just because we can … sweetie …

  2. @ Nikola – yes there does seem to be a bit of it in the gay press but certainly no more than the almost naked women you find in tawdry pathetic pieces of toilet paper like FHM, Zoo weekly, and some of the Murdoch tabloids.

    Many businesses; both gay and straight; use sex or sexual innuendo to sell their products or services. If the heterosexuals can do it so can we. It’s marketing sweetie; not porn.

    And I think the editors comment was appropriate; as why is it sleazy when we advertise like that, but not the straight businesses when they do.

  3. SSO can we please have a competition so we can create an Ad for Bob Katters Party? The GLBT community is a creative bunch and it would be nice to see an Ad that reflects the party accurately… Maybee Bob Katter (with his hat) naked in Gum Boots fucking a sheep, with Pauline Hanson sitting on his shoulder…

  4. I don’t really agree with Sam’s comment. I have no problem with seeing naked bodies and I wish more in society felt the same way as in my opinion, repression of sexuality, nudity, the human body etc. plays a large part in what goes into making the conservative suburban sheeple – conservative, suburban sheeple.

    But …

    I also don’t agree with the Editor barging in on Sam’s right to express his/her views, especially as Sam is obviously a reader of this website, and has taken the time to contribute.

    Having expressed already that I wish more people were open to seeing nudity, I can understand that it can be overdone, and often seems to be in the gay press.

    Ed: Thanks Nikola, appreciate you position. But I think I am well within my rights to defend the publication against silly, unfounded accusations.

  5. Makes me remember why I ran from living in QLD. I’m a know homosexual in QLD, Shh don’t tell my bf. But seriously Bob Katter is an old fool, he’s Pauline Hanson in drag.

  6. Meanwhile, back in the real world, another breeder was charged with murdering a child on the weekend, a 23 year old Adelaide man who beat his toddler to death.
    You wont see any outrage about this though from Katter, the fascists over at the Australian “Christian” Lobby or the other assorted bigots who are showing their complete and utter desperation in their bid to ban gay marriage and in Katters case, win votes.

  7. Appalling.
    But Bob Katter and his mates did learn how to whip up a tambourine frenzy from Joh and the National Party. Pass the sheep dip!

  8. Probably im going a bit off topic here but when I logged on to this site the first thing I saw was a group of naked men in various poses. Its not surprising when an ad like the one mentioned is created because its the way the gay community promotes itself. Is it necessary to have naked men as a welcoming to the website and then complain about bob katters homophobia when clearly sleaze is the first thing you see.

    Ed: Really Sam? That’s all you can come up with? So, when gays use sex for advertising it is sleazy, but when straight people do it it is perfectly ok? Grow up.

  9. I think the most offensive thing in the ad is that they have a man in a dress trying to play that as a representation of gay marriage.