Florida Senate Introduces Bill Legalising The Kidnapping of Trans Youth

Florida Senate Introduces Bill Legalising The Kidnapping of Trans Youth

The latest onslaught of legislation stripping the liberties of trans youth in the US is a Florida bill attempting to legalise state-sanctioned kidnapping of not only kids receiving, but ‘at risk’ of receiving gender-affirming healthcare. 

Additions made to the Florida Senate Bill on March 3 included clauses endorsing, “A court of this state has temporary emergency jurisdiction if the child is present in this state and the child… is at risk of or is being subjected to the provisions of sex-reassignment prescriptions or procedures.”

It continues to extend the court’s jurisdiction to intervene in custody battles where a child could be “at risk” of receiving affirming healthcare from one caregiver, stating that, “A court may not treat a parent’s removal of a child from another parent or another state as unjustifiable or child abuse if the removal was for the purpose of protecting the child from one or more of the prescriptions and procedures referenced…”

The ‘procedures and prescriptions’ in question are lifesaving, gender-affirming healthcare. 

Attack On Trans Rights

According to Alejandra Caraballo, an instructor at Harvard Law School’s Cyberlaw Clinic and former attorney at the Transgender Legal Defence and Education Fund, this will likely target transgender parents and authorise anti-trans family members to seize custody. 

The bill continues on to prohibit public funding for any gender-affirming healthcare, including for adults, preventing access to any state or local government agency employees and their families and banning public hospitals from administering such procedures. 


This bill is only the most recent in the nationwide attack on the trans, non-binary and queer community.  Three other states; Mississippi, Utah and South Dakota, have already banned gender-affirming healthcare for minors this past month. 

With speaker, Michael Knowles, at the Conservative Political Action Conference publicly calling for the eradication of ‘transgenderism’ at their March conference, it is truly a terrifying time for the trans community.

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