First submissions to inquiry published
The Senate’s Legal and Constitutional Committee into Senator Sarah Hanson-Young’s Marriage Equality Amendment Bill 2010 has published the first submissions it received from the general public and opponents are out in front.
Twenty-five of the 46 submissions published on the federal Parliament website oppose marriage equality while 21 support it.
Many of those opposing marriage equality did so because they believed it would result in more same-sex couples having children, because they believed homosexuality to be dangerous, or because they believed homosexuality would create a slippery slope to the legalisation of paedophilia, bestiality, incest or child-parent marriage.
Opponent WP Gadsby said Hanson-Young’s bill fell short of its stated goal of removing all discrimination in the Marriage Act.
“The proposed amendment purports to remove all discriminatory references, but apparently has a very limited view of discrimination, namely to remove any restriction of people, regardless of sex, sexuality and gender identity, the opportunity to marry,” Gadsby wrote.
“If I love my dog, and she loves me, why should we not marry? Because she’s a bitch? That is no answer, because ‘speciesism’ is also discriminatory — against me, and against my dog. It denies us the ‘right’ to express our love in a married relationship.
“Furthermore, why limit marriage to a partnership between two people …? Is that not also ‘discriminatory’? Why not authorise polyamory, with multiple partners in all kinds of mixes? On what moral basis should such groups be denied the opportunity to marry?
“And why limit all this to adults? … Should not children also have the right to marry? Should we legitimise paedophilia? And if not, why not?”
Opponent Warwick Poole wrote that homosexual marriage should not be tolerated.
“Homosexual marriage is and should never be aspired to,” Poole wrote. “It is a lustful exercise designed for self-gratification, which if the condom breaks, could be deadly.
“The portrayal of the sweet, kind, humorous, monogamous homosexual couple on television is a lie.
“Tolerance is a wonderful thing, but we do not tolerate some activities; why don’t we allow copulation, masturbation, urination, defecation in public? The list of unacceptable behaviours is endless. We simply do not tolerate some behaviours, and homosexual marriage is one that we should not tolerate.”
Kristy Adams said same-sex marriage should not be legalised because homosexuality was a “high risk lifestyle”.
“HIV/AIDS remains an overwhelmingly homosexual disease in Australia, with the overwhelming number of cases due to male homosexual activity, or intravenous drug use,” Adams wrote.
“Countless studies have documented the high-risk and unhealthy nature of the homosexual lifestyle. So why should governments be endorsing and promoting such activity?”
Alan Weatherall compared same-sex marriage to theft.
“Should we consider changing the definition of other words just because some don’t like the established definition?” Weatherall wrote.
“Some might not like the definition of ‘thief’. This definition when applied causes all sorts of problems for the people identified as a thief. They are discriminated against in our society, they can’t get the employment they seek, they can’t get a loan and they have their details recorded and used against them should they be a suspect again.”
James Gall warned that same-sex marriage could lead to parents marrying their children.
“If this bill is passed, where do we go to next?” Gall wrote. “I love living with my daughter/son – we love each other — it is plain to see — he/she gives me no grief, accepts what I do, etc.
“I would like to marry my son/daughter and change our constitution so this is acceptable to everyone as non-discriminatory.”
The Life Centre argued that changing the Marriage Act would violate the Oxford Dictionary.
“To define marriage as between something other than a man and a woman is to define another act; It is our belief that to do this would strike at the very roots of the fabric of our society and the heart and soul of our families that make up this society,” the Centre wrote.
“Our Pastor could not have said it better. If they (homosexuals) want to make a commitment to each other, let them. But like you would not call AFL football, soccer, without an outrage, do not call a commitment between same-sex relationships, marriage,” Helene Cohen wrote.
“Are then the terms husband and wife to be redefined? What would I call myself if it were to change? It just spirals to where those who are truly opposing the family, and seeking self first, wish it to go.”
Australian Marriage Equality (AME) national convenor Alex Greenwich encouraged marriage equality supporters who had not made submissions to do so.
“The committee will base its report on both the quality of submissions and the volume,” Greenwich said.
Greenwich noted that a number of the published submissions were from people who were Australian residents but not citizens.
“It is our understanding that the committee will look at submissions from any person who has something of value to add to this debate, so we would encourage anyone who feels they can add something to do so,” he said.
Greenwich was appalled by the tone of some of the submissions from opponents.
“We’ve seen repeated calls from the other side to have a respectful debate but whenever we’ve asked for a similar commitment from them it has gone unanswered,” he said.
AME has created a dedicated web page to enable people to make a submission to the inquiry.
Both party leaders should be removed from power and removed from Australia! Their stance on gay rights is an utter embarrassment to this amazing country.
I hope they both hang their heads in shame and cry themselves to sleep at night for the pain and heartache they have caused so many people.
I feel sick reading that stuff! My son does not talk about heterosexuals like that and as he said when he told us he was gay at the age of 17, “no-one in their right mind would choose to be gay mum, it’s a hard enough world to live in as it is!”
There were many signs that my son was gay as a little boy and as a teacher, I have seen it many times. They are born that way!
Thanks for the link to the 2 inquiries Mark. I had done the one for Senate but didn’t realise there were 2 Inquiries DOM! So my House of Reps one is done now. The AME website makes it super easy to write sensible submissions – I just opened all the pages up and selected suitable bits. I think some of the crazy anti comments in submissions may have come from the AME website LOL
Come on guys – everyone has a story to tell! They bring this human rights issue alive. Don’t presume someone else will do it for you – this is a real fight for justice.
Like it or hate it, gay marriage is inevitable – because it comes down to simple justice and fairness. Overall, Australia is far too evolved and will, before too long, join the ranks of the other more progressive countries.
For me, gay marriage is not so much about gay marriage itself but rather, what it represents – equality. It’s about providing a safer environment than we currently have, for up and coming generations who identify as same-sex attracted. It’s about creating safer cities and communities within which these people be themselves and live their lives.
As long as any government DOES NOT support gay marriage, and so, DOES support inequality, gay people are second class citizens, and so, more vulnerable.
There are always going to be people who are fear-infested and behave badly if given enough slack. I look to my government to lead my country towards all that is fair, equitable and just. A government that says “we support the choice of one consenting adult to marry another consenting adult, irrespective of gender” sends a mighty strong message to those people who are too uneducated and/or ignorant to think beyond their own fear – it gives these people much needed boundaries and restrictions and creates a safer place for all. Bring it on!
My support for same –sex marriage is based on my own experience and a basic belief in equal rights for everyone. I am gay and have been in a stable relationship for thirty years. I am a practised Catholic and I am active in my Church and community. I would like to focus the Senates attention on the Christian reaction, which has been high -jacked by a vocal and biased minority of fundamentalist Christians.
The Senate should be aware that many Christians are not opposed to same-sex marriage as they see it as a question of human rights and equality. The fact that the proposed legislation exempts the clergy from officiating at such marriages, if they so desire, exonerates those clergy from acting against their will (ironically unlike the Catholic Church that demands obedience from its priests).
It would also be wrong to allow a minority to hold sway over the majority. It is clear that most Australians support same-sex marriage, according to recent polls, many of whom are not religious and who, I believe, would be horrified if this Bill was defeated by those with opposing views because of religion.
I am truly appalled at the comments i have heard from the ‘religious community’ opposing this bill. Their comments linking the GLBT community with incest, pedophilia, defecating and masturbating in public etc are fuelled with hate, anger and discrimination. If these comments were made to members of the community from a different race they would be charged under the racial discrimination act.
Marriage is not a religious celebration, as you are well aware you do not need to be religious to marry the person you love and you dont need to be minister of religion to marry a couple, therefore religious values really have no significance in marriage (unless the couple choose for them to be). Marriage is a celebration of love between two consenting adults, there should be no discrimination of the sex between those two adults.
People for and against this issue are going off track with a lot of things i.e:
* raising children – which is legal for a same sex couple to do;
* HIV / Aids – which marriage is not going to increase or decrease, same sex couples will continue to have sex if they are married or not;
* homosexual ‘lifestyles’ are “dangerous” and should not be condoned – again, homosexuals are still going to be around if the bill is passed or not, by not legalising it you will not be reducing the so-called “dangerous lifestyles” they lead
– the point being, is that none of the ‘concerns’ these people are addressing will go away if the bill is not passed.
Passing the bill:
* will remove discrimination of legally recognised couples (i.e government agencies recognise these relationships as far as centrelink and tax purposes are concerned, if these relationships are legally recognised then their marriage should be, otherwise you are discriminating against them).
* will ensure that homosexual couples and families who WANT to be married can.
There is no reason for this bill not to be passed.
Comparing same sex marriage to bestiality and paedophilia is so ridiculous.
Animals and children abused by such acts have no voice and have no choice.
These responses sound hysterical and actually based on inaccurate information.
Please do you research about the safety of children raised in same sex relationships, compared to the atrocious things heterosexuals do to children?
Please do your research with regard to HIV/AIDS and Injecting drug user transmissions. I think you will be surprised.
Please don’t use your religious beliefs as the rod to beat others with. That is not the intention of religion, that is the intention of extremism!
Same sex marriage is about mutual respect and love. A choice.
I don’t care who loves who, I just care that people love. Since when was love wrong?
My fellow Australians, Australia is a secular country. It’s founded based on fairness, Equality and Justice. As Australians have to stand up against these extremist religious fanaticals who are trying to destroy our way of life. All Australians shall be treated equally under and before the law. THIS COUNTRY DOES NOT BELONG TO A PARTICULAR RILIGIOOUS – LOBBY GROUPS. IT BELONGS TO ALL AUSTRALIANS.
To Sam,
Thankyou for again proving that people who oppose equal rights are, for the most part, poorly educated. The reasoning offered by these bigots is as pathetic as that offered by the people who opposed equal rights for Women, African Americans, the Indigenous community, etc. In a few years you’ll be embarrassed to admit you were supporting the same ‘marriage control’ that Hitler was fond of.
Sam you need to do more research on your stats!
The world is not going to change is sam sex marriage is legalised!
No one will be injured or lives lost as a result of my partner and I marrying!
What it will mean for us is that after 27 years together, we will have the same marital recognition as that of our hetro friends and family members.
Sam says:
“australia needs to focus on our much bigger problems”
Indeed. So why are we messing around debating this? The majority of Australians support marriage equality, so legalise it. Then people can get on with dealing with those bigger problems.
The only reason this is being debated is because people like you think it needs opposing.
Reading this sickens me that some people in parliament and Australia can have such disgusting views of homosexuals. Marriage equality is the way forward, and we should be setting the stage as a country for human rights and equality.
I hope everyone who has expressed outrage at the comments in those submissions has also taken the time to send their own submission in favour of marriage equality.
Remember, if you do nothing the law won’t change and people like those quoted above will have won. All they need to win is for nothing to change.
I see Bob Katter is playing with fire on this issue, too
I think some of you need to realise that majority of australia opposes gay marriages. Ive got nothing against gay people and I say live and let live and make the most of life but leave marriage as it is and australia needs to focus on our much bigger problems. High unemployment, interest rates, homelessness, medicare etc
Ed: Actually ‘Sam’, poll after poll shows more than 60% of Australian’s support marriage equality. And for the record, Australia has one of the world’s lowest unemployment rates and steady interest rates.
the fact these people compair same sex marriage to beastiality, pedophilia and so on makes them utter morons! i cant beieve how un educated people are in this country,so what if we have kids, my partner and i have a verry smart daughter, so tough! grow up! get your self a frigging dictionary and learn the difference, the people against same sex couples are homphobes and the most vile reupteful forms of hatred to walk the planet, i hope they all rott alone and die alone, equality is about two people who love eachother and want to cement that love in the legal system, not marry kids you idiots, go back to the cave you crawled out of you neolithic mornons, there is not a shred of evidence to sudgest same sex couples are bad in any way possable, if anything all evidence shows we are just as better if not more suited to life and family life as heterosuxuals if not more, because those heteros take it for granted, just shut your mouth and stop making lies, youd believe anything some nutter who leads a hate campaign tells you, id spose youd jump off a brigde to? shut, your, mouths, you rotten lieing scoulndrels! grow a heart and stop ruining peoples lives!
Lets all write our submissions and encourage family and friends to do the same.
A great start is to share this article on facebook.
In 2004 when the Liberal Govt changed the marriage Act to be between a man and a women to the exclusion of others the submission were like 10,000 for and 200 against. Then the govt said well you didnt care enough to write in so it cant be that important to you.
Lets learn from that mistake.
Vincent, I wish I could like your comment a thousand times. Thank you :-)
You hetero bigots are losing the fight :) Bring it on!
I’m sure if they called this bill the equality of two naked blonde women making out covered in hot oil bill then these people wouldn’t oppose it.
And this “slippery slope” is a weak excuse. A dog can’t sign a legal contract. A child can’t sign a legal contract. The only thing you’re going to enable by letting gay people marry, is gay marriage. Just like letting black people vote enabled black people to vote, not some end of the world doomsday event.
Time to end this discrimination and just do what is right.
Do something positive and make your own submission to the inquiry!
It’s all online, set up for you, and only takes a few minutes.
It’s a lot more effective than signing petitions. It’s up to us!
The replies in the negative are becoming more and more farcical.This is only proof that the enemy is losing it’s collective nerve and clutching at straws. The change is at hand and will come whether the xtian nutbags like it or not.
Seriously I am lost for words after reading those submissions. Some of those surely had to have been a joke? If you are gay or lesbian and not out, it’s time you came out and told these loonies that as their doctor, dentist, teacher, lawyer, accountant, judge, carpenter, police officer, fireman etc etc that you won’t take this crap any longer.
I seriously don’t understand how stupid people have to be to think that the legalisation of marriage between two consenting adults (that happen to be of the same sex) could lead to marriage spontaneously becoming something other than a union between two consenting adults.
Pedophilia =/= adults
Polygamy =/= two
Bestiality =/= consent (animals cannot give consent)
(I wouldn’t be at all surprised if these were the children of the people who thought that interracial marriage would be the downfall of Western society.)
HIV/AIDs is not a gay disease. Everybody should be aware of the dangerous of STIs, and should practice safe-sex. Saying AIDs is a gay disease is as ridiculous as saying that AIDs is a Catholic disease because they’re against condoms.
Also I should mention I can’t stand the use of the word ‘lifestyle’. Being gay is not my lifestyle. Being gay is only one small part of my life that dictates nothing about me other than whom I am sexually attracted to. I would consider my job, my hobbies, or my study as contributing to my ‘lifestyle’, but being gay does not define me as a person. I’m merely an Australian citizen who wishes to have the right to marry the (one, consenting, adult) person that I love.
Both the Senate and the House of Representatives are conducting TWO separate inquiries. Make sure you comment on BOTH – see here for the weblinks
Make sure everyone you know speaks up for marriage equality – your family, friends, workmates etc
Grr! It’s staggering to hear such drivel from those whom we trust to run the country! Are they clearly a not the brains trust! This level of debate would even be laughed at at Sunshine TAFE! Why I expected any better puzzles me when history of Australian political debate proves otherwise! Gerr! Tisk tisk! Shakes head! Dx
any gay people i have been friends with have always been strongly against anything remotely traditional or anything associated with a “straight” lifestyle. This is why i find it so amusing that they want marriage now. I don’t care either way, and i think for any straight person well, its not going to affect us if gay people marry.
But still i find the notion of it, extremely contradictory, having been close friends with gay people. They were very against anything straight.
To say that I’m shocked and appalled at the lengths some so-called “christians” will stoop to in their quest to instill fear, hatred and bigotry is a gross understatement. I think it is ironic that the above perverse accusations have come from some so-called “christians” who have lodged these outrageous submissions which have no basis in fact or reality…maybe the Senate should make them prove their accusations…name any country that has legalised Marriage Equality and show where this has led to any of the perverse things they have suggested. Why are these so-called “christians” fixated on the perverse things they say that Marriage Equality will lead to shows more about their perverse state of mind and they have no-one but themselves to blame for that. Marriage Equality of same gender couples has nothing to do with any of the perverse things listed above because being in a same gender relationship isn’t illegal unlike the other things these so-called “christians” have argued and seriously in this day and age of HIV/Aids awareness even kids realise that this is something that everyone should be mindful of and is in no way exclusive to the same gender community. I had an Aids scare from a needlestick injury at work and thankfully the results of tests were negative and I’m a straight female. Loving and being loved by someone is the most amazing thing that could happen to anyone and whether that person be a male or female is irrelevant…Love is Love! I am happy for anyone that is fortunate enough to find someone to love and be loved by and I wholeheartedly support Marriage Equality for same gender couples. Just as I wouldn’t dream of telling these so-called “christians” who they can and cannot marry neither should they have any say in something that has no effect on them whatsoever.
People fear what they don’t understand, most of these politicians don’t understand the GLBTI community on many levels & they don’t bother to try to understand us either, which is scary considering these people have a hand in running our country. If they bothered to understand/know the GLBTI community they would not say what they are saying, in fact they would be very embarrassed by what they say. We have to understand the hetrosexual community, cause we live in a hetrosexual world, maybe it’s time for these politicians to be made to know what it is really like to live in a homosexual world before making such stupid outrages comments.
I’m in absoulte and utter rage and the lunacy and stupidity of these people. The worse thing is, this is who Abbott is preaching to so he can be elected.