Cyclist’s Post-Race Interview In Wildly Tight Shorts Becomes Internet Sensation

Cyclist’s Post-Race Interview In Wildly Tight Shorts Becomes Internet Sensation
Image: Image: Facebook

Solvenian Cyclist Tadej Pogacar, part of the UAE Team Emirates, has become a surprise internet sensation following a recent win, for a very interesting reason.

However it was not his cycling achievements that have scored him all of the attention.

A video of the cyclist posted to the UAE Team Emirates page has the gays and the girls absolutely thirsting and it’s no surprise.

Tadej Pogacar: Drawing all of the attention

Tadej Pogacar is a well respected competitive cyclist with an impressive track record behind him.

The Solvenian athlete became the second youngest person to ever win the Tour De France in 2020 and is widely regarded as one of the best cyclists in the world.

Recently he reached another achievement as he secured his fifth victory on the Giro d’Italia, a victory that was apparently completely unplanned.

However it was not his sporting prowess that drew the attention of his audience.

Following his win the cyclist was filmed by his UAE Team Emirates for their Facebook page and the video has absolutely taken off.

Audiences are not unfamiliar with cyclists wearing lycra and the all too familiar revelations that material brings, however some things must have swung loose following the race.

As Tadej Pogacar participated in a wind down cycle following the race, viewers watching the video online were drawn to the very prominent image of his, assets, visibly moving around.

Adorned in fluro pink, the outfit already left little to the imagination and what little was left, was moving around very freely.

Tadej Pogacar
Image: Facebook

Pogacar seemed unfazed as he made comments to the press, appearing to glance down and continue as we was unperturbed.

Of course, the comments section went off as five thousand people rushed to have their say, with over one thousand people sharing the video online.

But it was the comments that perhaps proved the most entertaining part of the scenario.

“My god you can see everything he’s got!” One over enthusiastic view exclaimed.

“OMG. I can see his packed lunch” wrote another.

“I thought I was a bit of a creep, but then I read the comments. I feel better now” conceded another.

Tadej Pogacar
Image: Facebook

While others, just couldn’t help themselves to more, “I’ve watch it 199 times!”

“It looked at me first!” and “That thing needs it’s own bike” wrote two more.

The comments continued in the thousands with commentary continuing and the UAE Team Emirates social media team seemingly unaware that they may have just broken the internet for the day.

Want to see what all the fuss is about? Watch the video below.


Tadej Pogacar
Image: Facebook

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One response to “Cyclist’s Post-Race Interview In Wildly Tight Shorts Becomes Internet Sensation”

  1. OH FOR GOD SAKES! Tell’em to go TURN IT OFF, GO HOME! & GET OUT OF THE WAY! I am only TOO happy to see ALL THAT HE HAS TO MAKE HIM VERY PRETTY IN PINK, in this particular Hottie’s case. Some places must have auto outrage agents or ministers or something nowadays for bull dung like this to suddenly be noticed. I mean have these people just had eye surgery, and are overwhelmed by all the new stimuli being a new process? Dear Dears they’ve always worn form fitting attire like this! Just cause one innocent gentleman was more prominent for a while, there is all this vulgar fake modesty crap, we have to live through once again. From the same people who decided mansplaining was a societal hang up, we should all develop another corrosive obsessive phobia about.