Drag Queen Story Time – A World Record in the offing

Drag Queen Story Time – A World Record in the offing
Image: Hannah Conda reading at Drag Queen Story Time

Sydney leading ladies Hanna Conda and Maxi Shield are preparing to set a new world record for the largest Drag Queen Story Time event at this weekend’s Oxtravaganza.

The duo are welcoming everyone to head over Oxford Square in Darlinghurst to take part in this historical event on Saturday 22 February, from 11am.

Hanna Conda was one of the first Drag Queens to introduce Drag Queen Story Time to Australia in 2017.

“I love working with kids and I love drag, being able to merge these two is a dream come true for me,” said Conda.

“I let kids know it’s OK to be curious about the world and it’s OK to ask questions,” she said. “And if they ask me a question, I’ll always answer it as honestly as I can. For example, I’m often asked by the kids if I’m a girl or a boy. I simply tell them sometimes I’m a boy, and sometimes I’m a girl, but I’m always a Princess! That’s all the explanation they ever need and then they move on without a care in the world. It’s moments like these that I am reminded that everyone is born with a clean slate with the ability to love unconditionally.”



Whilst conservative commentators have been critical of story time, the two claim Drag Queen Story Time is growing in popularity because parents are wanting to teach their kids positive life lessons from an early age.

“No one is born with hate or bigotry, these are innocent souls that just want to make the world a better place. The aim of Drag Queen Story Time is to teach children that everyone is born equal, even though we don’t always look or act the same. What is important is to be kind to one another and celebrate our differences,” continued Hannah.

Oxtravaganza is an official Mardi Gras event a week out from the Parade where local businesses come together and offer special retail promotions, live music, exclusive performances, outdoor music, art, plus food and drink deals.

“Oxtravaganza is always a highlight of the Mardi Gras season – it’s when Darlinghurst comes alive with thousands of people shopping up a storm the week before the big Parade and Party. Over the past five years the Lockout Laws have had a devastating impact on Oxford St, with many of the region’s businesses doing it tough in order to keep afloat. Thankfully the laws have now been abolished and this year everyone will see the new Darlinghurst, which is starting to blossom once again!

“Not only can you take part in our world record attempt, there’s heaps of other fabulous events AND entertainment to get involved in. Come and get your Mardi Gras outfits sorted, eat and drink up a storm and experience the heart of one of Australia’s most diverse and inclusive communities,” said Maxi.

Hannah Conda and Maxi Shield’s record-setting Drag Queen Storytime will happen at Oxtravaganza, beginning at 11am on Saturday, February 22 at Sydney’s Oxford Square on Oxford Street.


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