RuPaul: “Because we can’t say the T-word, I’m saying ‘granny’ instead”

RuPaul: “Because we can’t say the T-word, I’m saying ‘granny’ instead”
Image: A local version of RuPaul's Drag Race is coming to Australian screens. Image: file photo.

DRAG artist RuPaul has spoken out during her online podcast What’s the Tee? about being banned for using “the T-word”.

In May, her TV show RuPaul’s Drag Race was met with criticism for a segment where contestants were asked to guess from a photo whether someone was a “biological” or “psychological” woman, using the T-word.

At the time, RuPaul said: “They’ve used their victimhood to create a situation… Don’t you dare tell me what I can do or say. It’s just words. You know what? Bitch, you need to get stronger.”

In her recent podcast, while talking about how she used to frequent Peanuts/Club 7969 in LA’s West Hollywood, RuPaul jokingly used the word “granny” as a replacement for what many deem to be an offensive word. Her podcast co-host, Drag Race judge Michelle Visage, and guest Chi Chi LaRue laughed in response.

“They had granny strippers… because we are being politically correct they had granny strippers,” RuPaul said.

Chi Chi laRue then chimed in: “Oh my God I love it… was it actually old women?”

RuPaul responded: “No, I’ve just decided… because we can’t say the T-word… we just replace ‘T’ with ‘G’.”

Many venues across the US have rebranded their businesses, such as the iconic San Francisco bar Trannyshack, which changed its name to T-Shack in May.

Sydney drag queen Penny Tration still brands her bingo event Facebook page and website with the Tranny Bingo name, despite an unsuccessful petition on in April calling organisers to stop using the term “tranny” and instead use “non-hateful and/or derogative language/words to describe their events that don’t directly impact the trans* community”.

The debate made its way to the now-canceled national channel 10 morning show, Wake Up:

You can download the RuPaul podcast via iTunes. The “granny” section starts around the 15.50 mark.

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86 responses to “RuPaul: “Because we can’t say the T-word, I’m saying ‘granny’ instead””

  1. The last thing I will say after receiving an abusive message for my comments is that just because you claim to work in transgender health does not give you the automatic right to you the t word. Secondly for those going on about the history being lost remember there have always been a large number of trans people who have always blended into mainstream society and never had anything to do with the gay scene or been showgirls the world is bigger than the gay scene and trans people do not always contect with the LGBTQI community and they deserve the right to be respected as much as anyone else

    • I’m assuming “those people who go on about history” would be me, regarding my comment above. My comment doesn’t negate the history of trans people who don’t identify as being trans.

      Of course there were and are many individuals who cross gender lines who would neither use the word trans nor wish it to be applied to them, from 19th century ‘passing women’ through to the present day. Acknowledging a history that encompasses a particular word and its usage by different parts of a community isn’t disrespectful, it’s history, or perhaps etymology to be more precise.

  2. TRANNY!!! There I said it… Much in the same way I can say FAGGOT! It’s not what you say it’s how you say it… You can call your best friend a CUNT, provided it comes from a loving place… What’s the problem?

    • And who r they to dictate what language the gay community or ru paul use? Tranny has been used as an abbreviation for a long time. If they dont like it they dont have to watch her show. They should use their energy on more productive causes

    • um queer and homo are used and it doesn’t bother me. If I was to get upset every time someone used a word I would give away my power. the transexual community are welcome to use the word homo anytime, we all do. the intention behind a word is more relevant anyway um jew? you lost me. I could understand the she male segment where they compared biological women to psycological could be offfensive but all this whinging by a few over the word tranny is stupid. you don’t own the word it is not used as offensive in this way and has a long history. I love the word tranny us gays have always had terms and words that are playful like fag hag or homo. I wont support being policed and bullied into changing our culture

  3. I think that there’s a huge difference between calling yourself/close friends a tranny (if that’s what they prefer) and throwing the word around for comedic entertainment. If people have told Ru Paul that the word is hurtful and asked him not to use it on his TV show, then he should respect that.

  4. I find Oz totally different to the UK & USA- words like tranny or even “old c*nt” (said to me yesterday) are used affectionately. I hope. It’s pretty unique.

  5. As a trans* woman, I find the use of the word “tranny” in any respect disrespectful by a cis gendered person or female impersonator, I have many friends that are drag queens and they know my stance on this and respect that, so should the wider community.

    The word “Tranny” is a word many of us face when being raped, murdered, beaten, vilified.
    A Trans* human can use this word as self identification if they find it liberating but making it some joke is never alright.
    We don’t go round calling you all the F and P word so why should you go round using the T word???

    • Except we do use the word Poof and Fag.

      The best gay club in my town is called Poof Doof, which is on a main shopping strip with its name printed in 2m high letters on the front.

      Then there’s a slightly more alternative club night called Trough Faggot Party.

      These words have been reclaimed, and we’ve destroyed their power to hurt.

      No one wants to further hurt the trans community, so most of us think they should take the word Tranny and reclaim it, so that it can’t hurt you any more.

  6. I used the tranny word last year when the cairns film festival winning short film won “bamboozled” & SX magazine threatened to have me banned off Facebook & i was barraged by the tranny’s for using that word….. but I’ve noticed its the new trannies not old school trannies….we here in Oz abbreviate everything & tranny is simply that not a slander.

    • I’m surprised after receiving such a back lash for using the word you continue to use it even though you know it’s offence. Also how long do you have to have transitioned for to be considered old school is 21 years long enough in your opinion or do I have to wait longer for my opinion to be validated?

  7. what a load of shit! if men want to dress as woman all power to them! and if they wanna be called a tranny so be it. Lets just call them blokes in a dress if they are so precious.

  8. I thought tranny was just an abbreviation of transsexual same as homo being short for homosexual.
    It all comes down to the intent behind it and who it’s coming from.
    I loved the segment on RPDR “you got she-mail”
    A clever pun that was removed from the show because someone took offence.
    Very sad state of affairs.
    Replacing Tranny with granny is ridiculous.
    It’s like calling a motorbike a bus.

  9. I thought tranny was just an abbreviation of transsexual same as homo being short for homosexual.
    It all comes down to the intent behind it and who it’s coming from.
    I loved the segment on RPDR “you got she-mail”
    A clever pun that was removed from the show because someone took offence.
    Very sad state of affairs.
    Replacing Tranny with granny is ridiculous.
    It’s like calling a motorbike a bus.

    • argh I am so sick of people policing the gay community – soon we wont be able to say anything- its always been our way of making fun and keeping it light through adversity. homo, fag hag, tranny etc. they are our lingo

    • Yep. Surely people are intelligent enough to know whether it’s coming from a hateful place or not. RuPaul has done so much for the drag community and for the wider gay community as well.

  10. Wish people would stop the in fighting and attacking allies. Such a waste of energy. Tranny is not exvlusive and has been used by drags and gays for a long time. Taking men in dresses seriously like this is just silly and they have done and do alot to further acceptance

  11. I might be out of the loop but I’ve only heard that “Tranny” is negative in overseas countries. Ever since I came out (all those many years ago) I had never heard Tranny as being an insult. It wasn’t until I met Trans people on Facebook (from overseas) that people considered it an insult.

  12. I think it highlights how ridiculous things are if the gays can’t use the word “tranny” – words are powerful and can hurt, I’ll never understand how it feels to be trans, but if trans call gays homos lezos etc, it should be seen the same as tranny, the queer community OWN those words it takes the negative power away when we recognise we are all one group of freaks who love each other….
    We don’t use tranny to offend, we use it to bring each other closer in a way. Those who see it as divisive in my opinion are too easily offended – I do see that Ru Paul is in mainstream media and perhaps it’s not good to have those words we can use filter into the straight world, but even so… It’s
    Kinda like the word nigger… White people know not to use that word, block people use it to take the power out if it being an insult… That’s what repressed people do….

    • So let me get this right, black people can say nigger because they are the repressed ones using it. But the “community” can use tranny. Even though trans people are the ones being repressed by the word. I think that’s what you call a double standard. Clearly years of using LGBT as a catch-all has finally taken its toll. No wonder Trans and Intersex groups have been distancing themselves as of late.

    • I think my original comment speaks for it’s self Adrain, but just for the slow ones let me break it down – we are all family. It’s all about context – Ru Paul is not saying it with hate. He’s saying it as a term of endearment. Years ago people wanted to call drag queens trannys in a negative way and we owned it. I didn’t say we have a license to speak about ANYONE how we like, but jovial use of words within our own community shouldn’t be seen as divisive. We should focus more on actual offense and hate groups rather than our own community.

    • I object to being called cizgender and gay. Why do people get to label me? Why can’t I just be a person? Doesn’t mean I get all up in yo’ grill about it. Many trans people I know don’t like being referred to as trans, they are just people. I treat them without labels. Those that are my friends love Ru Paul and don’t take offense, why those that do feel they speak for everybody is beyond me and them. Privilege has nothing to do with it, recognising our vast differences (and views/opinions) and our similarities as a group of societies “freaks” is everything. Society will always look at us as different, we should all own it. Embrace that we are outcasts, thankfully less and less, embrace words that are ours. Who wants to be “normal” anyway? Normal is nothing more than a cycle on a washing machine.

    • Matthew, I don’t think I’m particularly slow, but thanks for accommodating me.

      Your attitude seems to be that you have the right to call trans people what ever you like, despite many of them voicing their objections, simply because you’ve decided you have the right.

      You are mistaken. You don’t.

      Shut up for a moment. Have enough respect to listen to people speaking for themselves about their own concerns. Learn something.

  13. HOP OFF THE FUCKING PROVERBIAL SANCTIMONIOUS CROSS AND GET A SENSE OF HUMOUR! Rupaul has done far more than any drag queen/”granny” that any of you queens have. We all know “what not to do or say”. You’re not educating anyone by being an uptight, egocentric bitch.

    Seriously – you wouldn’t have a JOB if it weren’t for Rupaul. Get over yourselves.

  14. I’m sure the only reason that the petition didn’t get enough votes is because of how small a minority the trans community is and while we have role models like RuPaul who think it’s extremely entertaining to use the word others think it’s a cool word to use also

    • I transitioned twenty years ago when the only word to describe us was tranny so I don’t personally find it offensive however I stand by both my comments – the trans community has voiced that they find the word offensive so why keep being disrespectful and keep using?

    • I get that, I do and congratulations on your transition – I have many transgendered friends so please don’t feel like I am attacking, but seriously – it’s for entertainment. Rupaul revoked the use of the terms “you’ve got she-mail” and the dreaded and the not too smart segment titled “she-male or female?”. It was utterly debunked from all aired episodes and downloaded content.

      My problem is; now people are pissed off she replaced the term “tranny” with “granny”…

      I mean really – can Ru DO ANYTHING RIGHT by the Trans community and it not be offensive at this point as a man who dresses as the “supermodel of the world” for entertainment and social progression anymore?

      That’s the question. And it pisses me off that no one gets that… It’s kind of convoluted and defeats any sensible purpose in the long run.

      In fighting & internalised homo/transphobia will get us NOWHERE – so let’s all just move on and stop perpetuating this utter bullshit…

    • The drag community also has a long history with the word, and quite a few trans women I know who transitioned in the 1960s and 1970s use it and have indicated that they don’t have an issue with it. I don’t use the word, but I respect that some in the trans and drag community do, my concern is that their voice and the history of the word is being erased.

    • And for those that use the term in a derogatory manner – be them gay, straight, bi, Thai or a fucking unicorn – educate. Take the time. And if they don’t get it they will in the end (God willing). Don’t respond to stupid and move on.

  15. Tranny has been used by both the trans* and drag community in Australia for decades, certainly back to the 1960s; denying and erasing that history is simplistic and inappropriate. Similarly trying to segregate the trans (mtf) and drag communities denies their shared histories, particularly the showgirls and performers of of the 60s-70s (Les Girls, Kandy’s various venues, Birdcage, Simone and Monique’s Review, Pokey’s etc etc)

  16. Is she still carrying on with this nonsense? People trans, cis gendered, drag, gay, straight, bi, fair or coloured skin people should show respect for one another. If a minority group has voiced that they don’t like being called something have some respect and don’t call them that -simple