Cher and Gaga duet leaked

Cher and Gaga duet leaked

artworks-000055224200-o6u6aw-t200x200The Diva is not happy! Gay icon Cher has taken to Twitter to rant about her disappointment over a leaked copy of her and Lady Gaga’s new duet ‘The Greatest Thing’, and to make things worse, according to Cher, the wrong version of the single was leaked.

The unfinished version of the song has since been taken taken down from the original leaked site, making three Gaga songs leaked this week alone.

At the Star we did manage to hear the song before it was taken offline, and can guarantee it’s going to be a massive club hit! It has all the right elements for a camp classic.

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But we’ll refrain from sharing the song on our site –  Gaga and Cher have the right to release the song in their own time.



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