Cabinet majority supports gay marriage

Cabinet majority supports gay marriage

Most federal Cabinet ministers now support marriage equality after Climate Change Minister Greg Combet officially came out in support.

In a letter to one of his constituents obtained by Australian Marriage Equality, Combet wrote he supported same-sex marriage.

“In line with my own values, as someone who has always fought for equality, social justice and fairness, I support marriage equality,” he wrote.

“I have been contacted by many members of the community, both supporting and opposed to marriage equality and I have taken these views into account in determining my own position.”

Combet is the 12th minister out of 22 to publicly support the push for gay marriage.

The other ministers include Chris Evans, Simon Crean, Stephen Smith, Anthony Albanese, Nicola Roxon, Jenny Macklin, Penny Wong, Peter Garrett, Tanya Plibersek, Mark Butler and Brendan O’Connor.

Australian Marriage Equality national convener Alex Greenwich said this was a “landmark moment” with more than half of the federal Cabinet now supporting marriage equality.

“It’s critical for the success of reform that our nation’s most senior politicians take a lead on this issue, particularly when the prime minister continues to inexplicably oppose it,” he said.

“I am hopeful we will see more support for marriage equality within Cabinet because there is still a number of ministers undecided.”


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4 responses to “Cabinet majority supports gay marriage”

  1. It actually makes Combet the 13th, I believe Bill Shorten also supports same-sex marriage.

  2. Great, not that my marriage is any politicians business! I guess this just leaves Gillard and her ilk, cuddling up with Tony Abbott to discriminate. I think I will still keep voting Green thanks.