British TV Show The Last Leg Accused Of Homophobia Over World Cup Parody Song

British TV Show The Last Leg Accused Of Homophobia Over World Cup Parody Song
Image: Image: Youtube Screengrab

British TV show, The Last Leg, has shocked viewers with a misconceived WorldCup-themed parody song.

During the November 18 episode, the hosts, along with a choir draped in progress pride flags, sang a musical parody song about the persecution of gay people in Qatar.

Set to the tune of Frank Skinner’s Three Lions, the refrain chorus lyrics included, “it’s “becoming home, becoming home, becoming homophobic.”

The song continued, “It’s too bad if you’re gay, cause we all know that Steven can’t kiss Mike, meanwhile Beckham’s grinning.

“Cheers them all you like, but they say gay is sinning.”

‘End Up Three Heads On a Spike’

Then the show’s host, Australian comedian Adam Hill, chimed in, singing, “So many jokes, so many sneers, but they’ll jail you if you’re queer, and we’ve known it for 12 years.”

The song continued with comedian Jess Robinson singing, “But in Qatar if Alan Carr toured and was joined by Boy George and then even RuPaul, they could end up three heads on a spike, meanwhile Beckham’s grinning.”

Twitter Responds

Twitter was not impressed by the insensitivity of the lyrics. 

One Twitter user wrote, “This has to be one of the most grotesquely misconceived bits of TV I’ve ever seen. i don’t care how many Progress Pride flags they’re waving, this is absolutely disgusting. That you aired it the same week as a mass shooting at a Queer venue in the US only makes it worse.

Another wrote, “Straight people what the fvck is wrong with your lot? In what world is joking about “three heads on a spike” funny when lgbt people in Qatar are thrown in prison or sentenced to death?”

“Jauntily singing graphic descriptions of violence against queer people is not the hot take you think it is. Allyship is welcome, but this is so far off the mark it’s untrue. Especially in the light of the Club Q shooting in America,” tweeted another. 

Another wrote, “#isitok for straight people on @TheLastLeg to joke about LGBTQ+ people being executed? Nope, absolutely not. Incredibly misjudged attempt at “satire”. Shame on you @adamhillscomedy.”

LGBTQI Qataris are subject to harassment, intimidation, arrests, imprisonment, forced conversion practices, and sometimes the death penalty. 

The Last Leg airs in Australia Tuesdays 8.30pm on ABC iview.

One response to “British TV Show The Last Leg Accused Of Homophobia Over World Cup Parody Song”

  1. This is what happens when OUR community gives to much space to the “Allies” who use us for virtue signaling. It’s time to tell them thanks but F O as we can, and have, managed our rights over the past 50 years. So put down the gay or pride or whatever flag and go. If you haven’t noticed, our spaces are being watered down by lots of allied straights.