Supporting Diva
It seems the word on everybody’s lips is DIVA, and to be honest I have been dodging questions for months.
If I answer honestly, I’m tarred as a bitch, so I have responded with, I don’t know, to steer clear of the craziness associated with the topic.
So you can imagine my response when my editor, Scott, messaged me with, Can you do an article on the new Diva company? ARRHH, do I have to?
Don’t get me wrong. I love the event, dressing up to the fullest, arriving in some posh car that costs you a week’s rent for 20 minutes around the block and preparations that take months for an evening of fun.
So I am happy a group of people have taken up the reins and will continue with the evening. It’s like the Academy Awards for Glamour and to quote Wyness Mongrel-Bitch, It’s the most glamorous piss-up of the year.
It got my knickers in a knot when I read the DIVA RIP Letter to the Editor last week. For those founding members to see the company wound up would be upsetting but to claim it disappeared silently and without support is untrue. Like many showgirls, I have supported DIVA for many years. Each year I would buy at least two tickets, spend over a $1000 dollars on outfit, hair and shoes, then also perform and/or present for free. I’m not sure what more could be asked. Isn’t that supporting a company?
With questions like, Sell-out events each year but still no money -” why? being asked about the old DIVA company, I hope we focus on the glamorous memories the original DIVA gave us, and what this new company and event will also bring us. I support an annual glamorous event and I hope the new company, Avid Events Limited (Diva Awards Australia), understands it is an event they are organising. You’re not the bosses of drag nor are you the ones who keep little blacklists of those who disagree with you.
The event lets showgirls from around Australia meet in Sydney and sparkle like they have never sparkled before. It’s that first step from the limo, it’s that panic for days because you can’t find a handbag that matches, or the horror of finding out someone else is wearing the same colour, but the delight as you share a champagne with them.
Good luck to Diva Awards Australia. I will be there in full regalia again this year and I’m looking forward to the waddle home Tuesday afternoon.