Troye Sivan Sparks Controversy Over X-Rated Tour Antics

Troye Sivan Sparks Controversy Over X-Rated Tour Antics
Image: Image: Twitter

Gay Australian singer Troye Sivan, has once again found himself at the center of a heated debate.

The opening night of his latest tour in Lisbon, Portugal, saw the singer engaging in a series of provocative performances that left some fans shocked and others cheering.

Troye Sivan shocks on tour

The most controversial moment of the night involved Sivan simulating a sex act with one of his dancers, an incident that has divided his fanbase and ignited a firestorm on social media.

During the performance, Sivan, who often took to the stage shirtless, kneeled in front of a dancer holding a microphone and began singing his hit song “Got Me Started” mimicking oral sex on the dancer.

The moment quickly went viral, amassing over 500,000 views on X (Twitter) and drawing a wide range of reactions from fans.

Some fans expressed outrage, pointing out the young audience members and deeming the act inappropriate for a mixed-age crowd.

“There are children in the crowd” wrote one.

“We don’t need to be doing all that… cancel him” posted another.

However, not all reactions were negative.

Many fans praised Sivan for his boldness on stage.

“Wow that was everything” posted one user.

“Can we calm down he’s an adult he can do what he likes” said another of his performance.

Troye Sivan Gay Singer
Image: Twitter

“I feel more in touch with my femininity than ever”

Sivan has continued to make headlines in recent years for both his music and other moments in his personal life.

Recently named GQ Australia’s Man of the Year, Sivan used his acceptance speech to discuss his evolving relationship with masculinity and femininity.

“It’s not lost on me the irony of me winning ‘man’ of the year when I did drag for the first time this year. I feel more in touch with my femininity than ever, and I think it speaks to a point I’d really like to make, which is that my relationship with masculinity has been very strange my entire life,” he said at the time.

His latest album, “Something To Give Each Other,” and its lead single “Rush,” have garnered plenty of attention for the singer for what some have considered provocative content.

The hit dance song, inspired by his time in night clubs in Melbourne gained plenty of attention for its reference to the party drug Amyl.

“It’s definitely the most dancey, the most unapologetic club [song], [inspired by] all of the experiences that I’ve had over the last two and a half years” he told GQ at the time.

Meanwhile the singer recently drew plenty of attention for his latest promotion, a bottomless bowl.

Retailing for almost two hundred dollars the somewhat confusing household item drew plenty of attention from social media users worldwide.

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5 responses to “Troye Sivan Sparks Controversy Over X-Rated Tour Antics”

  1. What’s the outburst here – the 70ies and 80ies even had much more happening at concerts!
    Let them being creative!

  2. David Bowie did this on stage with Mick Ronson 52 years ago.

    You can stop your pearl clutching now.

  3. It will be an actual XXXXXX rated show when such onstage antics are not merely ‘simulated’ but entirely Live & Uncensored! I definitely want to see a multi talented super out & openly gay going THAT far no end, one day. I am silently willing this to happen.,Troye, Lil Nas, Orville, Olly are you getting my drift?

  4. Hate the neo-Victorians clutching their pearls – it’s a rock band – I remember them being raunchy – its a great tradition, Stop the censors.