EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Big Brother’s Garth Saville

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Big Brother’s Garth Saville

One Big Brother contestant is hoping to use his newfound platform as a reality star to share a message of self-love and acceptance. 

Garth Saville entered the house during Tuesday night’s episode under cover of darkness. 

He and three other new housemates were challenged to find an empty bed and remain undetected until morning to win a Sunday roast. 

“I decided to enter because at the age of 50 I wanted to prove to myself I could really shake it up,” Garth said. “I have also had a foster kid for two years, and I wanted to prove to him that you could put yourself in a scary situation and be brave.” 

Unapologetically himself, Garth is proud of who he is and has no issues backing himself. 

However, Garth was not always the vibrant person he is today; in fact, as a child he was the opposite. 

 “As a baby, I had massive seizures, and in those days all they ever did was drug a kid up,” he recalled.

“Until I was about 10 or 11, I cried every day, I had poor motor function skills, and I was very nervous. 

“One day, my mother took me off the medication as I had not had a seizure in years and out emerged this camp.”

Garth is also hoping to use his platform as a reality star to encourage other people to consider foster care as an option. 

“In the back of my mind, I always knew I wanted to be a dad, but I was so nervous to talk to Gavin [his partner of seven years] because if he did not want to where did that leave us,” Garth said.

“Then one Christmas Gavin turned to me and said ‘how do you feel about fostering a kid’, and I burst into tears. 

“We have had the most beautiful seven-year-old boy for two years.” 

 Garth said so many people assume the foster care process is long and arduous, but he explained a lot of it is streamlined to make it as smooth as possible.

He added that as long as you have a safe and loving environment, anyone can be a foster parent whether they are  “gay, straight or have three horns.”

Garth’s first day in the house, saw him claim a victory during an icy challenge. 

Housemates had to use their body and whatever they were wearing to melt a large iceblock and retrieve a flag inside. 


“I didn’t have a laid out plan,” he said. “I didn’t think I had a chance of winning, but then Daniel and I were neck and neck… Winning that challenge was such a great feeling.”

Emerging as the victor gave Garth the power to nominate three people for eviction, and he already had his eye on one potential threat – Allan. 

 “He didn’t come across as real,” Garth said. 

“I met Allan in the audition process…  he was too vocal, and he kept saying ‘I am going to stab everyone in the back’.

“Everyone wanted to vote Kieran out, but using my experience in recruitment, I told people to vote for Allan.”

Garth’s big move paid off, and Allan was evicted. Now, he is excited to see what the rest of the challenges bring. 

But at the end of the day, if he does not win, Garth will have been proud to have been himself throughout the show and made new friends. 

“I dance to the beat of my own drum,” he said.  “You have to be your own self.”

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