As A Black Immigrant In Australia, I Had To Try Ten Times Harder: Drag Race Down Under’s Hollywould Star

As A Black Immigrant In Australia, I Had To Try Ten Times Harder: Drag Race Down Under’s Hollywould Star
Image: Hollywould Star/Instagram

The RuPaul’s Drag Race Down Under Season Three finale is coming in hot.

In episode seven, queens faced the reoccurring Drag Family Resemblance make-over challenge. In a twist, contestants were asked not to only make over their guests but also their pets, needing to walk down the runway with their new drag family member and their dog.

It was a tough decision for the judges with decisions ultimately selecting the finalists for the season.

(This article has spoilers for Season Three of RuPaul’s Drag Race Down Under Episode Seven)

‘Not About You’

Isis Avis Loren and Flor excelled in the challenge, sharing the win and advancing to the finale.

Gabriella Labucci and Hollywould Star landed in the bottom, with the pair lip-syncing to ‘Not About You’ by Haiku Hands.

After a nail-biting lip sync, Hollywould Star was told to sashay away.

“It Was Amazing”

Speaking with Star Observer, Hollywould discusses her incredible run on the show, drag inspirations, and the best advice to live by.

“I had such a great run and like it was amazing. To, you know, get on RuPaul’s Drag Race, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and I don’t take it lightly. I just feel very grateful.”

Throughout the competition, Hollywould had a successful run collecting two wins. Her first win in episode one ended up being her most memorable moment.

“Winning the first episode of RuPaul’s Drag Race Down Under was so amazing… I felt seen,” she explains.

During the critiques, Hollywould reveals a poignant conversation between herself, RuPaul, Michelle Visage and Reece Nicholson. When asked about her “calm” and “confident” demeanour, she explained her journey.

“I struggled my entire life. Of being, you know, a black person not just in America, but in Australia. And This is why I am the person I am today, because I had such a low confidence before, that once I found my confidence, it’s something that is a part of me and no one can shake it.”

Competitive Mindset

Hollywould migrated from America almost 10 years ago. Hollywould says the shift in culture, especially in comparison to her upbringing in the US, kept her “laser-focused” throughout the show.

“Being a black immigrant in Australia, people don’t realise that I’ve had to try ten times harder than everyone else,” says Hollywood.

“Like whenever I get into a room, I’m already put down, because I feel like Australia has a culture where they want born Australians to get things and to do things. I feel like when other people come into Australia and kind of get opportunities like this, they’re not very happy.”

Coming on to the show, she held onto this “competitive mindset,” aiming “to show [herself] in the best light.”

Drag Inspiration

Calling herself the “Naomi of Oceana,” Hollywould describes her drag aesthetic as representing her love for strong black women.

Noting inspirational figures in her life, including her mum, aunt, as well as celebrities Naomi Campbell and Aaliyah, Hollywould exudes their confidence.

“I love what they represent. And I hold myself in such a way that I think not makes fun of, you know, women or anything like that. I think I celebrate them,” she explains.

“Especially strong black woman because of their confidence, and I think people really mistake that as arrogance or you know a ‘bitch.’ And… at the beginning [of the season] they were like ‘Oh Hollywood’s a bitch’ and anyone who has met me, anyone who talks to me, knows that I’m not a bitch. But you know what? I’m that bitch!”

“I know I have this emotional stability that most people don’t have, which can seem intimidating. But, it’s not really my issue… That’s that’s on them.”

Shadiest Queen

When asked who was the shadiest on the show, Hollywould says, “I don’t think any of us are really that shady.”

However she tosses up between choosing Ashley Maddison and Flor. Speaking on Flor, she says, “I think she just tells it like it is… I don’t think it’s shade.”

“People think Ashley Madison was. But I mean, I guess she was… out of all of us then maybe her. I don’t really know.”

Best Advice

“If you have a question, don’t be afraid to ask it. You know, close mouths don’t get fed.”

Referencing episode six when she asked the judges what they wanted to see from her, Hollywould says “it was a good question” that needed to be asked.

“I think a lot of people are afraid to speak out. And to ask people, you know, advice and things, I feel like there’s always someone around to help and you just have to ask. You just have to open your mouth.”

Hollywould will be joining the Werq The World Australian Tour, alongside Drag Race allstars, this September.

Watch the finale of RuPaul’s Drag Race Down Under this Friday, on Stan.

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