Civil unions backflip

Civil unions backflip

Queensland Opposition Leader Campbell Newman has reversed his position on the state’s civil partnership legislation, telling the audience at an Australian Christian Lobby event last night that he’d repeal it if he wins government.

Newman has previously said he would not repeal the legislation if a civil partnership had been registered and formalised in Queensland before the next election.

“In relation to civil unions [and] gay marriage our position is very clear, we voted against the Bill and we’ve said that if we get into government, we will repeal it,” Newman said at the event in Ashgrove.

“That may not be possible, you can see right now in the media the Labor Party are basically trying to push couples to come forward.

“I’ve said before I don’t want to leave couples in legal limbo, but that’s the very strong position of my entire parliamentary team, my candidates across the state and my party.

Newman would be able to repeal civil unions by putting forward legislation amending the Acts affected by the recent changes laws – of which there are over 20.

Couples could have their status as civil partners revoked or, if maintained, would mean the state had a small class of legally recognised pairs similar to the legal chaos created after California’s repeal of their same-sex marriage laws.

Over 100 unions have been registered in Queensland since the legislation took effect last Thursday. Ceremonies will begin from March 5.

In an interview with the Brisbane Times in December, Newman said he would not contemplate scrapping the law if civil unions had already occurred because of the impact on couples who had entered into such partnerships.

“If that had occurred that would obviously be an unacceptable and intolerable situation for them, so in that scenario we wouldn’t be doing anything,” he said.

Newman has also previously said he supports same-sex marriage, but would not campaign for its legalisation.

23 responses to “Civil unions backflip”

  1. Mr Newman would be better off concentrating on improving services for Queenslanders, rather than wasting parliamentary time and resources indulging the the religious lobby.
    What happened to the ‘Liberal’ in LNP? Isn’t the citizenry allowed the freedom to choose who they should marry? Isn’t it a socialist position to use the legislative process to impinge on the freedom of the individual?

  2. Porky is simply another ugly cruel troll projecting what people say about himself onto others. The majority of Australians, including Christians, support equality as the polls show over and over. Porky needs to call lifeline and get help.

  3. P0rky P1G, let me guess, overweight, spoiled, cynical, miserable and judgemental? While we’re making assumptions.

  4. No porky pig, im working and doing quite well, id bet im doing way better than you actually.

  5. Count me in for unconditional support of Labor at any level, federal state or local. The LNP is stuck in Howard’s era, and will never get my vote no matter what happens.

  6. Wow the LNP are going to lose what 200 votes maybe due to this decision but they are playing to the majority of people who still think that same sex marriage (as the overall end result, civil unions wha??) is just bullshit.

    I don’t give a shit what other people do but you lot jumping up and down over this one single issue is a joke. You would rather a socialist government than the LNP, I can see a demographic already appearing out of the cries of the queers or hipsters.
    Let me guess, jobless or on some form of disability benefit (or an artist lol, may aswell be, they of no use to society), self centred, renting and expect a “fair go” without getting off your ass to make it happen.
    Take a look at the big picture folks, you vote back a government that makes one poicy that you agree with when they have done untold damage to everything else and you may as well stab your eyes out with forks, blind you are.

  7. Once again the LNP demonstrates its lack of understanding of the basic tenets of our political system. The separation of church and state is a pretty basic concept that the LNP is totally ignorant of.

  8. Insane. Of course we know our government well enough to expect nothing more than baby steps, but this giant leap backward would be an outrage.

  9. Do you think Newman will reverse Civil Unions because he’s of the personal view that he’s better at sex than gay people?

  10. Unbelievable that human rights are a bargaining chip. You only get your human rights if there are votes for delivering it. Let’s be clear, the ALP only introduced the civil union legislation to retain votes they would have otherwise lost. And the LNP are promising to take them away to get votes they would lose if they didn’t promise. It is a despicable business from both sides. 

  11. Well nuts to you Campbell Newman, but I’ve already got my civil partnership signed up for, and I’ll have it weeks before he’s in office. If he wants to take it away after that, he’ll have to come and get it!

  12. The ACL are neither christian or decent human beings. They are nothing but a bunch of worthless bigots using their so called “religion” as a shield to lobby government to discriminate.

  13. From the man who told me to my face, “Do your worst”, I repeat the lines from The Human League’s “Open Your Heart” – “…remember your worst is better than their best…”
    Newman, you are finished. Nothing will stop us from making your life a living hell from now on. You will not become the next member for Ashgrove and you certainly will not become the next Premier of Queensland.

  14. So it is now official that the fringe Cult, the Australian Lobby, writes the policy of hate for the Liberal and National Party. It is worth remembering the LNP wanted homosexuals locked up in desert camps in the 80’s and early 90’s. Does this sound like Nazi’s with the same conservative Far Right Christian values? Campbell Newman is a hater, and represents an extremist homophobic agenda that will result in people being killed or greatly hurt due to their sexuality. It is important everyone asks their Facebook friends not to support him, or the Nazi rhetoric he is shouting.

  15. You know what?, good luck to him in repealing the laws. But lets not stop there hey?, what about repealing the 100km/h law on the highway, that way the people he’s offending can get the hell out of this crazy, backass state of ours.

  16. Typical LNP liars. Just like Phoney Tony, he’ll say anything to the crowd he’s talking to if he thinks it will gain him votes.

  17. Because messing with other people’s relationship status should clearly be a high priority of an incoming premier. Thank you Campbell Newman for so clearly demonstrating your unfitness to govern. Get on your yellow bike, and don’t forget your helmet this time.

  18. This is just disgusting.
    In regard to politicians, I’m so beyond us being thought & spoken about like a bargaining chips.
    The people in office need to wake up to themselves.
    We are no longer asking for permission, we are demanding equality.

    The last thing we need is more knee jerk responses that impact our lives being made by people who are only looking out for themselves & their party.

    How is it that a situation that will never be experienced by these people is being decided by those it will never effect?

    Someone best explain to me how this legislature is doing harm because I’m at a loss.

    Just like the federal administration, the state govt need a kick in the pants.
    Both Labour & Liberals, neither are doing a good job with anything & I’d be more than happy to scrap the lot.

    80s & 90s politics has no place in the modern world.

  19. I live in Brisbane and I have been with my beautiful partner for 7 amazing years and we were going to have our relationship formally recognized as a symbolic gesture to my family who have not looked at my relationship as genuine and whom from which i am currently estranged
    and also for my children from my previous “straight marriage” so that they will see that my relationship is the same and no different to any other. I am appalled that the LNP would do this. Go Anna