Claire’s Kitchen Will Be Closing For Good After Mardi Gras 2025

Claire’s Kitchen Will Be Closing For Good After Mardi Gras 2025
Image: Images: Archive

Claire’s Kitchen at le Salon, a gay-owned and run French restaurant and cabaret room on Oxford Street, is set to close permanently in March after Mardi Gras. 

In a message on social media, Claire’s Kitchen shared:

“Our home is being demolished for redevelopment! In March 2025, the vibrant lights of Claire’s Kitchen will dim for the last time, casting shadows over the walls that had witnessed countless celebrations and cherished memories over the past 13 years.”

“Over the next few months, please join us for a few final soirées, sharing stories and laughter; celebrating a legacy of love and community that Claire had fostered.

“With hearts united, let’s raise a glass in honour of a place that has been more than just a restaurant but a true home where everyone is welcomed, accepted, and celebrated.”

13 years ago, Claire’s owner, cook and drag performer of over 28 years, Marc Kuzma, opened the restaurant under their drag name, Claire de Lune. 

At the time Kuzma had been running Slide Sydney for over 10 years. Slide Sydney was a cabaret bar on Oxford Street, next door to what would become Claire’s Kitchen at le Salon. 

Marc Kuzma says Claire’s Kitchen is ‘not a job, it’s my life’

Kuzma told Star Observer, “The building next door became available… So I thought, let’s do a nice French restaurant and call it Claire’s Kitchen because nobody knows about Marc. Everybody knows about Claire.”

Explaining what it is like to run Claire’s Kitchen for so long, Kuzma shared that the job was their life.

“When you own and run a restaurant and cook, it’s not a job, it’s a lifestyle. I’m here from 10 o’clock in the morning to 11 o’clock at night, six days a week. It’s not a job, it’s my life,” he said.

“I just love it. I love interacting with people. Being a performer myself, I love organising all the shows we have upstairs in our cabaret room,” He continued. “That sort of keeps me in touch with the entertainment industry and I love cooking. I’ve been cooking since I was 18 years old, and I just turned 66 so you do the math. For many years I’ve been in the kitchen.”

‘I’ve given quite a lot to Oxford Street… I think it’s time to call it a day’

Speaking about what is next, Kuzma said he will officially be retiring.

“I will be retiring. I’ve given quite a lot to Oxford Street. First during my drag career, then at Slide, and now at Claire’s. I think it’s time to call it a day.

“I will be 67 by the time we close. So, I think it’s time for me to take it easy.” 

Claire’s Kitchen ‘has added so much colour, life and deliciousness to Oxford Street’

Reminiscing about Claire’s Kitchen at le Salon, out City of Sydney Councillor Adam Worling told Star Observer, “Claire de Lune has added so much colour, life and deliciousness to Oxford Street, though it is not over YET!

“I am so thrilled that Claire’s Kitchen will continue serving diners until March 2025. 

“As a former chef myself, life in the kitchen can be gruelling. After 13 years, Claire and Marc deserve to put their feet up. I wish them every success and I have no doubt what they cook up next will be brilliant.”

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