Gay Councillor Zann Maxwell Named Deputy Lord Mayor of Sydney

Gay Councillor Zann Maxwell Named Deputy Lord Mayor of Sydney
Image: Images: zannmaxwell / Instagram.

Labor councillor Zann Maxwell, a proud gay man, has been named Deputy Lord Mayor of the City of Sydney.

Maxwell, 36, was elected Deputy Lord Mayor by Sydney Council this afternoon, after being nominated by newly reelected Lord Mayor Clover Moore.

As Deputy, Maxwell will assist and stand in for the Lord Mayor when requested.

Zann Maxwell: ‘Honoured To Be Elected Deputy Lord Mayor’

“I feel honoured to be elected Deputy Lord Mayor of this truly special city, and I’m excited for this chance to serve the community and contribute to its future,” Maxwell shared, in an interview with Star Observer.

He continued, “During the campaign, we focused on a few key areas: affordability and housing, nightlife and vibrancy, and improving basic council services like garbage collection. I’ll continue to push hard on those.” 

He went on to say, “We need Sydney to actually be great, not just look great. For me, that starts with fairness. The City of Sydney, as the heart of Australia’s most iconic city, has a responsibility to be a place where people from all walks of life can make a home.”

The Revitalisation Of Oxford Street

When it comes to the revitalisation of Oxford Street Maxwell explained,  “I understand firsthand what our city needs. To revive Oxford Street, we need to make it a more pleasant place to spend time. I’ll be pushing to slow traffic, narrow the lanes, and widen the footpaths to allow for more al-fresco dining.”

Maxwell also pointed to the State Government’s vibrancy reforms that allow councils to create ‘Special Entertainment Precincts’ that support nighttime businesses by reducing red tape.

Maxwell said, “The City of Sydney hasn’t declared any yet, but just next door, the Labor-led Inner West Council successfully trialled one on Enmore Road and made it permanent. The success there proves that a thriving nightlife can work for everyone, with a great mix of people both under and over 40 enjoying the area.”

He added, “I’ve already had promising discussions with the Lord Mayor and her team about making progress on this here in Sydney.”

‘I’m In Politics For My Mum And People Like Her’

For Maxwell, becoming Deputy Lord Mayor personally means a lot to him as well. 

He shared, “One thing I had to get used to during the campaign was talking about myself—it doesn’t come naturally to me. But people want to know your values and where they come from. I spoke about being raised by a single mum in public housing. I’m really proud of her for providing a safe and happy childhood, despite always struggling with financial security. 

“Ultimately, I think I’m in politics for my mum and people like her. Hearing her say how proud she is of me for becoming Deputy Lord Mayor of Sydney — well, it doesn’t get much better than that.”

Zann Maxwell was born on Lord Howe Island. At age seven, after his parents split up, he moved to New Zealand with his mum.

In 2011, Maxwell moved to Melbourne where he got a degree in postgraduate law, before moving to Sydney in 2017.

Maxwell’s first political job was as an electorate officer for then Opposition Leader Bill Shorten.

In a recent interview with City Hub, Maxwell shared that this experience of helping constituents with important everyday issues sparked his love for public service.

“Helping people, and showing people government can work for them, was something that I found really rewarding, and I think that is the bread and butter of being a councillor,” he said.

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