Going Along Book Launch

Going Along Book Launch

Celebrate the paperback release of Dr Sam Stiegler’s book Going Along with Trans, Queer, and Non-Binary Youth with a discussion about research with queer and trans youth, in conversation with Professor Mary Lou Rasmussen. Sponsored by the Social Transformations and Education Group of the Faculty of Education and co-organized with the LGBTQIA+ Research Network, this event will celebrate Dr Stiegler’s book, and the 11 queer, trans and nonbinary youth that helped shape this new work on navigating their lives in New York. Through this research, Dr Stiegler examines the complexity of young people who live at the intersections of various marginalised identities, and who struggle against a lack of economic privilege, familial support and housing security.

September 25, 2024, 4.30–6pm
When: Room 915, Faculty of Education, University of Melbourne, Level 9, 100 Leicester Street, Carlton
Tickets: Free
The event will also be livestreamed on Zoom, join by clicking here.

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