What IWD means to Suzanne Phoenix

What IWD means to Suzanne Phoenix
Image: (c) Miss Jane Doe by Suzanne Phoenix

Sunday the 8th of March is International Woman’s Day and in celebration Melbourne photographer, Suzanne Phoenix, will be staging her latest exhibition, What Does International Women’s Day Mean to Me? at Hares and Hyenas.

“The exhibition started when I was working at a Neighbourhood House about nine years ago,” explains Phoenix.

“One International Women’s Day, all the women who had worked there for a number of years came dressed up. I asked them what international Women’s Day meant to them, took their photo and published their story and what the day meant to them online”

Mahla Bird by Suzanne Phoenix

Suzanne Phoenix is a name many will recognise; over recent years she has become the go-to for events and performance photographer. This is no surprise given her deft eye for detail and ability to capture a certain kind of magic through the camera’s lens.

This year Phoenix is bringing together a group of inspiring, courageous and often outspoken women to create a visual snapshot of the fierce, funny and extraordinary people who inspire her world.



“The women featured this year are all involved in the arts, either in queer performance or the live music scene,” says Phoenix.

“I love how many things are going on in Melbourne, and how people just do what they want, how they want.  Live music and queer performance just make me feel so alive.”

Keven by Suzanne Phoenix
Jess by Suzanne Phoenix
Freddie by Suzanne Phoenix

One of the women featured in the exhibition is burlesque artist Miss Jane Doe, known as the first lady of fierce. Reflecting on International Women’s Day,  Doe says:

“For me, I love to celebrate this day for females and female presenting people, but also recognising that we still have so much work to do, and that we need to be a little more open about what that work means, too.

“Working with Suzanne on this project was great, because I got to not only do this for myself, but to get to know the other women involved. We’ve all really gotten to connect.”

Miss Jane Doe will be performing on March 5th at the launch event, Live Loud Now, alongside performances and music from some of the participants Phoenix has worked with on the project. The event will feature an exhibition of portraits and will also launch Phoenix’s second ZINE.

“These are women who help build and celebrate the diversity that is the modern female voice,” says Phoenix.

“Powerful performance, music and images bring to life just what International Women’s Day means for so many. Conversation, visibility and celebration can, and do bring change.”

For more details visit the Facebook event page.

For more about Suzanne Phoenix, visit her website.

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