Joan Rivers defends Alec Baldwin on homophobic slur
AFTER activists and social media, mainly in the USA, went into melt down over Alec Baldwin’s homophobic slur when he called a photographer a “cock sucking fag”, a video has emerged on the TMZ website where, when addressed on the subject, Joan Rivers advised everyone to “calm down”.
She continued by saying “Everybody’s either a wop, a nigger, a kike, a chink, a fairy, a mic… Everybody’s something, so why don’t we all just calm down?”
Should the politically-correct police attack Rivers on this one, or as Rivers suggested, should we just calm down? Tell us with a comment below.
It’s no worse than all the people who say ‘that’s gay!’ like it’s an insult…
Did Baldwin say the wrong thing? Yes. Did Joan remind us not to take political correctness seriously? Yes. Get off your high moral horses people and rejoin humanity.
Why would anyone take this botox hag seriously? She’s nothing but a joke, like her face.
Then I guess Joan would have no probs with being called a cock sucking fag hag????
Yeah, let’s just be thankful that we’re all living in America…………
Goodness, what happened to her face?
Joan is very old, one must take this into account. Political correctness is real, and it is a fact of life. It has good and bad aspects to it. Joan is happy to drive a truck thru the middle of political correctness – as evidenced by her comment but she needs to get with the times – referring to niggers and wops really isn’t acceptable – as much as we love Joan – she is out of touch on this one – and shame on Alec Baldwin