PM still out of touch on adoption

PM still out of touch on adoption

NSW attorney-general John Hatzistergos has refused to condone comments made by prime minister John Howard that gay couples should not be allowed to adopt.

Howard told Southern Cross Radio that a child should ideally have a man and a woman as parents as it gives children the best opportunity in life.

I know for some that sounds harsh. I don’t think it’s harsh -“ I think it’s something that most people believe is the desired, the ideal outcome.

Howard’s comments follow the release last week of the Victorian Law Reform Commission’s report into adoption and assisted reproduction.

The report recommended same-sex couples be allowed to apply for adoption, that lesbians have full access to IVF treatment and female partners of biological mothers be recognised as legal parents.

Hatzistergos told Sydney Star Observer that while he accepted there were differing views on the issue of gay parenting, my view is ultimately what’s important for the child is the quality of the parenting.

The reports states, Research shows that having lesbian or gay parents does not pose a risk to children’s wellbeing.

Australia Coalition on Equality spokesman Rod Swift was angered by Howard’s comments. The PM is clearly and disappointingly out of touch as usual on the issue of GLBTI families, he said.

It’s time he owned up to his responsibilities to govern for all Australians by making sure he governs for all families.

Swift said that it was a no-brainer that the report’s recommendations should be adopted by the Victorian parliament, bringing the state into line with Western Australia, Tasmania and the ACT, but at the moment no such proposals exist for NSW, leading to instability in the homes of gay families.

Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby spokesman Ghassan Kassisieh met with Hatzistergos in May to discuss parental rights for same-sex couples. He said he was concerned the attorney-general might drag his feet on the issue.

His response has been supportive -“ to an extent -“ but what we can see from the Victorian report is that there is no reason for him not to act now, Kassisieh said.

They had a substantial consultation in Victoria and they made the recommendation that sexuality should never be used to discriminate against the welfare of a child.

A spokeswoman for Hatzistergos told Sydney Star Observer he was yet to fully read the report’ but gay adoption, in relation to surrogacy, would be raised at the next meeting of the Standing Committee of Attorney-Generals in July at Hobart.

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