Vive le fiesta
It’s hard to believe the silly season is upon us again. Yup, the Mardi Gras Festival is about to kick off this weekend at one of the most popular events on the queer calendar, Fair Day. Be sure to swing by the SSO stall and greet the gang.
Fair Day and I have a love/hate relationship. I love being there, but the elements and I don’t get on. I usually end up sunburnt and covered in glitter.
There was the time I woke up in Wollongong. But that’s another story, and certainly no example to go by.
Play safe. And look out for your mates.
We couldn’t ask for a better backdrop for one of the most spectacular events on the globe. And while some of the criticism currently doing the rounds isn’t without merit, maybe think of those celebrating their first Mardi Gras, which can be both daunting and exhilarating.
It’s so much more than a parade and party, with a slew of events being held for queer youth, right as Twenty10 and ACON join forces.
The Youth Festival gets underway at 21 Down this Saturday. As Mardi Gras becomes more commercialised, don’t forget to check out some of the more alternative events too. There’s a plethora of pink mayhem for everyone. And remember, volunteers are always needed.
With such a diverse community, this is the time of year we cast differences aside — when Bears, dykes and leather boys mingle with drag queens, twinks, and purple snozberries. Our hetero visitors even get an invite. Let’s not forget the protest aspect. But yes, it’s time to celebrate.
And if you see me out and about, come say hi. Just look for the sunburnt guy about to spontaneously combust into a cloud of glitter and dust.
Vive le difference. Vive le fiesta.
Cheers everyone for the comments & sorry it’s taken me a while to send back a shout-out. I’ve received some awesome feedback recently, and your comments – particularly the constructive ones – are always welcome & appreciated.
Sorry if I missed you at Fair Day. Hope to see you out and about during the silly season – come say hi.
Happy Mardi Gras! xxd
PS >> We will be looking forward to all of the pics with baited breath too :>)
I will be on the the other side of the world during the festival so I trust u all think of me whilst enjoying yourselves at Fair Day…..
Happy Mardi Gras Australia!!